Release notes
StruXML Revit Add-In
What's new
Getting started
- About tools
- Analytical model
- Material
- Connection status
- Wall edge connections
- Floor Conversion
- Wall Conversion
- StruXML Guid
- Guid Search
Export StruXML
Import StruXML
This page contains list of changes, fixes and new features in StruSoft StruXML Revit Add-In versions.
Version 1.1.020
Released March 20th, 2023
- Compatibility with FEM-Design 22struxml schema.
Version 1.1.019
Released June 21st, 2022
- In some special cases beams were rotated by 180deg after the export to struxml.
- In some special cases, walls with round openings could not be imported to FEM-Design.
Version 1.1.018
Released February 24th, 2022
- Compatibility with FEM-Design 21.00.001 struxml schema.
- Cover load bearing direction is exported.
- In a very special case, surface reinforcement could not be imported to Revit.
Version 1.1.017
Released June 22nd, 2021
- Compatibility with FEM-Design 20.00.003 struxml schema.
- Compatibility with Revit 2022.
- Local coordinate system of the exported walls is changed to match the FD standard.
- There was a bug at the import of bar reinforcement.
- There was an material error at importing CHS, KCKR, VCKR or KKR steel sections to FEM-Design.
Version 1.1.016
Released February 22nd, 2021
- Compatibility with FEM-Design 20 struxml schema.
Version 1.1.015
Released September 25th, 2020
- Compatibility with FEM-Design 19.00.004 struxml schema.
- Compatibility with Revit 2021.
- Possibility to export Revit wall and floor elements as timber panels to struxml.
- Possibility to export user defined element identifiers to struxml.
- Possibility to export user defined identifiers to wall edge connections.
- Possibility to import and export load comments.
- Unexpected error appeared at importing very large struxml file.
- In some very special cases, it was not possible to apply user defined edge connections to selected walls.
Version 1.1.014
Released February 17th, 2020
- Compatibility with FEM-Design 19 struxml schema.
- Random reinforcement stirrup hooks.
Version 1.1.013
Released July 10th, 2019
- Compatibility with Revit 2020.
- Each command and tool in the StruXML Revit plugin has now link to WIKI explanation.
- It is now possible to export a Revit floor element as diaphragm to struxml.
- It is now possible to export Revit wall and floor elements as covers to struxml.
- It is now possible to import bar and shell reinforcement from struxml to Revit.
- It is now possible to import FEM-Design edge connections library to Revit.
- There is a new setting option to merge materials with the same name at mapping.
- There was an material error at importing CHS, KCKR, VCKR or KKR steel sections to FEM-Design.
- In some cases the beam rotation was not handled properly when importing elements to Revit.
Version 1.1.012
Released March 8th, 2019
- Compatibility with FEM-Design 18 struxml schema.
- Wrong default motion spring values were assigned to profiled panels imported from Revit (1.000e+00 instead 1.000e+07).
Version 1.1.011
Released May 17th, 2018
- Tool to add and export wall edge connections.
- Tool to export floor as profiled panel or fictitious shell.
- Export load combinations to struxml.
- Import struxml names to Revit.
- Automatic creation of materials and concrete elements (sections, walls, floors) at import.
- Load case assigned to 'Dead Loads' load category is exported to struxml as +Struc. Dead load type.
- It was impossible to load user-defined sections library in Export dialog.
- There was a material mismatch error at importing CHS, KCKR, VCKR or KKR steel sections to FEM-Design.
Version 1.1.010
Released January 17th, 2018
- Compatibility with FEM-Design 17.00.001 struxml schema.
- Advanced settings for Dynamo script: default edge connections are added to each wall edge.
- Import / export of reference planes to / from Revit.
- Improved geometry check at opening struxml in FEM-Design.
Version 1.1.009
Released June 19th, 2017
- Compatibility with Revit 2018.
- StruXML Guid tool that adds 'StruXML Guid' parameter to structural elements.
- Help menu is added in the StruSoft panel.
- View template is no longer copied from the source view when creating Connection Status view.
- Analytical model and Material search can be now filtered to only show structural objects.
- Wall foundation material is no longer reported as missing when using Material tool.
- Third party updater error is no longer shown when editing door and window families.
- A new warning is added, if a floor element is missing an analytical geometry.
- 'New Version' dialog is shown, if a new version of the StruSoft StruXML Revit Add-In is available.
- Some unexpected errors at Import are fixed.
Version 1.1.008
Released January 4th, 2017
- Compatibility with FEM-Design 16.00.001 struxml schema.
Version 1.1.007
Released September 1st, 2016
- Compatibility with FEM-Design 15.01 struxml schema.
- Compatibility with Revit 2017.
- Automatic export of unmapped sections.
- Tool to recognized objects without analytical model.
- Tool to recognized objects without valid structural material.
- Tool to create an analytical view with filtered analytical nodes.
- StruSoft panel is moved to a separate tab in Revit.
- Export (beams) eccentricity is not a default option anymore.
Version 1.1.006
Released March 18th, 2016
- Compatibility with FEM-Design 15.00.003 struxml schema.
- An error message is sent when a double isolated foundation is exported to struxml.
- Graphic problem in the export dialog in Windows 10.
- Export of selected in-place foundation caused Unexpected error.
Version 1.1.005
Released January 25th, 2016
- Compatibility with FEM-Design 15 struxml schema.
- "0" length analytical beams and columns are detected and blocked at the export (an error message is sent).
- "Copy GUID" option is available upon right clicking on an object that failed the import to Revit.
- A "Base Level" is created automatically in Revit if one imports a struxml file containing no storeys into a Revit model containing no levels.
- A warning message is sent when a certain bad analytical wall geometry is being exported to struxml.
- Physical model eccentricity (instead of analytical) of beams is exported to struxml.
- Physical model eccentricity (instead of analytical) of beams is imported to Revit.
- Export eccentricity (of beams) is now a default option as "Export Struxml".
Version 1.1.004
Released September 2nd, 2015
- Compatibility with Revit 2016.
- More informative warnings in case of element import fail to Revit.
- Save mapping button in the Import Struxml dialog is active even if the mapping is not completed.
- GUID duplication issue is handled.
- "Search by GUID" checks any GUID assigned to an object.
- Imported storeys are now added to existing levels in Revit.
- Export report was sometimes not available In Revit 2015.
Version 1.1.003
Released December 18th, 2014
- Mapping list is now filtered to selected elements at export.
- Mapping error at export of cold formed steel sections
- Wall eccentricity export error in case of manually adjusted wall analytical model.
- Error at exporting curved beams
Version 1.1.002
Released September 8th, 2014
- Eccentricity of beams is now exported to struxml.
- If a Revit model was initially imported from struxml and now is exported back to struxml, a warning message will be thrown if other (than initial) calculation code will be chosen at the export.
- Saving mapping and loading mapping to/from struxml file.
- Import of profiles plate panels as floor elements to Revit. is now possible.
- Extended "Import Report".
- Multiple elements mapping in the Import StruXMl.
- Structural material of beams / columns / braces / isolated foundations can now be exported also as 'Type' parameter.
- Multiple floor elements and foundations slabs drawn as one object in Revit are now divided into separate elements when exported to struxml.
- When a slanted column in Revit is exported to struxml, a warning in the 'Export report' will be thrown.
- Wall openings could not be created when imported to Revit at some very special cases.
Version 1.1.001
Released June 25th, 2014
- Import struxml file to Revit.
- Brace elements that are exported to FEM-Design are now recognized at Truss elements (not as beams as before)
Version 1.0.004
Released December 18th, 2013
Error message appeared when trying to export a local file of a central model from Revit 2014.
Version 1.0.003
Released December 13th, 2013
- Export of loads and load cases.
- Extended export report.
- Publicity level of Add-In data has been changed. It means that the dialog warning about missing StruXML updater (when Revit model exported once to struxml was opened in Revit without add-in installed) will not appear any more for all new files exported using the add-in in version 1.00.003.
- Floor, curved walls and isolated foundation elements were not exported correctly at some very specific cases.
Version 1.0.002
Released October 7th, 2013
- Option to export foundations as boundary conditions or foundation elements.
- Option to export only selected elements.
- Revit StruXML Add-In Manual is reachable from the export dialog.
- Update dialog will appear when a new release of Revit StruXML Add-In is available.
- Family names of elements are included in warning messages in the export report.
- Export of boundary conditions under curved walls was not correct.
- Error message appeared when analytical model of wall foundation was disabled.
- Error message appeared when analytical alignment of a wall was projected to a reference plane or a grid.
- User defined boundary conditions could not be exported from Revit 2014.
- Horizontal size of the building was calculated based on physical model instead of analytical one.