Opening struxml in FEM-Design
Last modified by Iwona Budny Bjergø on 2023/07/03 09:46
StruXML Revit Add-In
What's new
Getting started
- About tools
- Analytical model
- Material
- Connection status
- Wall edge connections
- Floor Conversion
- Wall Conversion
- StruXML Guid
- Guid Search
Export StruXML
Import StruXML
StruXML file containing exported model from Revit has to be open directly in FEM-Design. StruXML files can only be open in the 3D Structure and 3D Frame module of FEM-Design.
Procedure is as follows:
- Open FEM-Design 3D Structure.
- From the main menu choose: File --> Open.
- Choose StruSoft common structure XML files (*.struxml) in the Files of type and browse for the desired file.
- Press Open button.