Import / Export Model
There are numerous ways to import a draft and initial model geometry into FEM-Design, and export it for further post-processing.
IFC file format
FEM-Design can read IFC models and create native and editable FEM-Design analytical model elements from structural elements. Numerous checking and automatic adjustment tools ensure the continuity of the analytical model created during the import, the correct connection of its elements.
See: Industry Foundation Classes (IFC)
Relevant Topics:
StruXML file format
The StruXML file is used to store object data such as geometry and loads of the model. StruXML is also the format used to exchange models with Revit and Tekla. Any FEM-Design 3D Structure model can be saved as StruXML and any StruXML file can easily be opened in a text editor where it can be inspected and modified.
See: StruXML
Relevant topics:
Parametric model
The Parametric Model is an editor module, where you can create parametrized models as templates. The templates can be imported into the Structure module with customized settings.
See: Parametric Model
CAD Drawings
Each FEM-Design module can to import and export from / to DWG and DXF file format.
See: CAD Drawings
Parent topic: User Manual