Login or signup to the customer portal
We welcome you to our new customer portal where you can find:
- Access to our Wiki site
- Submit a ticket
- Have an overview of your tickets in one place
Here we will go over the basic functions of our new customer portal.
Change language
First of all the site determine the language for the site based on your browser.
But do not despair you have the option to change it between 3 languages
- English
- Danish
- Swedish
Figure 1: Change language
Sign up
First of all, you need to sign up to be able to use our customer portal
Figure 2: Sign up
By signing up you start by giving up your name and email and press register.
And when you have done that you will receive an activation email where you just have to press the link.
The link opens a website where you have to create a password to the portal.
Login if your email is registered
If you are signing up you might notice that your email is already taken.
The reason for that is we have moved our database to our new system.
Figure 2: Email already been taken
If you experience that your email is already taken go to the login site and click 'forgot your password'.
Figure 3: Forgot your password
You will be taken to a site where you write your email and press 'Reset my password'. After that, you have the option to choose a new password.