FEM-Design 17 service releases
Last modified by IwonaBudny on 2019/02/07 12:18
This page contains list of changes, fixes and new features in FEM-Design 17 service versions.
Version 17.01.005
Released February 4th, 2019
- Shell displacement is listed in its local system instead of global.
- According to the correction of EC1992-1-1 NA47 (Norway annex) the 6.2.2 (1) (v_min) and 6.4.5(3) (V_Rd_max) formulas are updated.
- Axes are listed in alphabetical order in the Select view dialog.
- Shell displacements are listed in the shell's local system instead of global.
- The symbol of surface temperature load was wrong.
- At timber panel the panel to panel connection was not grayed, when it was not relevant.
- AutoCad Import / export has been updated to ACAD ver 2019.
- Automatic numbering of components (like corbels, post-tension cables, etc.) was not always correct if numbering of structural elements was locked.
- Automatic numeric values sometimes were not displayed in 2D view.
- Automatic renumbering did not work in some cases for supports of piles.
- Avoid crash on extra enter exporting detailed result to .docx.
- Bitmaps and units were incorrect in Default settings dialog of some load types.
- Colour schema was not saved in some cases.
- Copying column corbel did not work correctly.
- Cover IDs were not listed in the Filter dialog.
- Deflection update mechanism caused crash in very special case.
- Design calculation of some HRW sections failed.
- E modulus of General materials was not listed correctly if factors were not displayed correctly in foundation detailed result when Danish national annex was chosen.
- If a beam had large eccentricity, displacement result numeric values were not displayed correctly for the original shape.
- If a beam with bar-shell model was selected for Properties... command , program crashed.
- If Close button was pressed in Recovery dialog, new file was started without checking if the current one is saved.
- If connection was selected for manual numbering twice in a row program may have crashed.
- If load case analysis was requested for a model that contained seismic load case, but seismic result was not calculated, program did not send error message why the calculation failed.
- If some columns of a table were hidden in documentation module, texts in the following columns may not have been shortened by "...", if they did not fit into the cell
- In case of copying a region hole the cursor was wrong.
- In case of plastic load combination result table's title contained "%%" instead of "%" in the Documentation module.
- In some cases supports were not regenerated after moving pile.
- In some special cases physical model of wall foundation was wrong.
- In some special cases result of Danish crack width calculation were missing.
- In steel bar detailed result equation 6.28 was mis-typed.
- It was able to move surface reinforcement symbol out of its region.
- It was not possible to set the text size of edge connection's meshline division no.'s text size using "Change appearance".
- List / Batch file compatibility issue is fixed. Batch files which were created/modified between version 17.00 and 17.01 are not supported.
- Moving load path was selectable by Ctrl+A when it it was not visible.
- New result selection dialog appears faster.
- Notional load was inaccurate in some cases.
- Opening 3Dstruct file in Wall module caused crash in some special cases.
- Possible crash in using Hide object in doc module.
- Pre-defined surface loads are updated for Swedish National Annex.
- Program crashed if model contained seismic load cases, but only design calculation was requested.
- Psi values of Table A1.1 of EN1990 are updated.
- Punching results were not invalidated, if calculation parameter was modified.
- RC Bar Detailed result could cause crash in some special cases.
- RC shell buckling was not working for design groups in some cases.
- Reduced plastic capacity of welded box section was not calculated correctly in some cases.
- Steel bar fire design interaction calculations were not displayed correctly in the detailed results.
- Steel bar stiffeners' position was not listed correctly.
- Storey dialog could cause crash in some cases using Modify structure option.
- Tables were not fully updated after Undo command.
- The Correct model function didn't delete the too small regions.
- The limit was too high for number of moving load positions, so it could overflow.
- There was a visibility problem at correct geometry.
- There were some problems with marking after selection/deselection.
- Timber graphical window was missing from documentation of Plate module.
- Tools/Archive command caused crash in some cases.
- When reading a model from struxml file, default load cases, combinations and groups were also created.
- Windows Icons Disappears during installation of FD or system automatically has been rebooted.
- Wrong tab order in soil definition dialog.
Version 17.01.004
Released September 10th, 2018
- Supporting structures of covers now can be selected automatically by the program, besides the former manual option.
- Applied and Required reinforcement field is added to the RC Shell Manual design Edit tools.
- Mistyped formula in detailed result of steel bar, fire calculation.
- Auto numeric value performance issue using local min-max. and absolut max. by object is fixed.
- Zero value for beta of steel lateral torsional buckling length was reset to 1.0, after loading the file.
- In some special cases invalid results remained displayed.
- Fixing in k3 and h.c.eff parameters in slab crack width calculation according to Danish and Norwegian Annex
- Documentations of Post-tensioned cables sometimes are not loaded properly.
- Steel bar fire design calculation was not correct if fire duration was more than 120 minutes.
- Detailed result of timber panels might have not been displayed correctly if ULS combinantions followed a SLS load combination.
- Finite element mesh could be wrong at intersections of regions from version 17.01.003.
- If part of a structure was hidden, some numeric values for displacement results were not displayed by "Automatic numeric values" function.
- Program may have crashed if "Detailed result" function was started in one window, but object was selected in an other window
- Quantity estimation Concrete and Reinforcement tab sometimes could cause crash.
- Soil/hydrostatic load was not defined correctly if direction was not defined by the local coordinate system of the selected wall.
- Classification of rotated hollow bars in Steel joint module was not correct in some cases.
Version 17.01.003
Released July 9th, 2018
- Shell internal forces can be listed for user-defined labeled sections.
- While script is running the main window title starts with [S].
- Script execution can be canceled pressing Shift+Esc.
- PTC Strand library filled up with 7 wired strands
- PTC Wedge slip could be set to 0 to inactivate the wedge slip calculation.
- Numeric values on moving load influence line results had an unnecessary line .
- Program could crash at define load after load case table had been deleted or new drawing was loaded.
- Program crashed during steel bar design if a bar didn't have buckling length.
- PTC Stress functions sometimes were faulty.
- If surface load was created by selecting a cover, ocassionally load was put on only a part of the cover.
- Warning message was missing in case of shell buckling calculation.
- If shell reinforcement was modified in a shell that contained punching objects and punching detailed result was displayed for them, program may have crashed.
- Visualization of eccentricity of braces in bracing joints was not correct in some special cases.
- Program crashed at save to docx, if another FEM-Design module had been running.
- Files saved with a detailed result window caused crash at loading in some cases.
- Reloading RC shell buckling results failed if the model contained shells with varying thickness.
- In bracing joints of 3DStructure module sometimes not the higher normal force of the chord was taken into account in the calculation.
- Interaction formula for steel bar fire design was not displayed correctly.
- Storey modification caused crash in some special cases.
- Invalid section results were not deleted.
- After RC shell design group was created, program may have crashed during analysis.
- Entering documentation module may caused crash if it contained seismic load table.
- Axes were not imported from 3DStructure (.str) files to Plate module.
- Steel joint - Beam splice joint bolt distance calculation is fixed.
- Performance issue of Load Combination maximum calculation is solved.
- Program crashed at close via system menu (tray + right click + close) while a table cell was edited.
- Changing code if drawing included composite bars could have caused crash.
- Program could crash after deleting line from list/batch dialog.
- Listing of loads may have caused crash.
- In some special cases result of Danish crackwidth calculation were missing.
- The Modified region/Align region to plane could freeze for Profiled or Timber shells.
- External reference path was not modifiable directly.
- Program could crash if it was closed via system menu ( right click on windows tray and close menu item)
- Steel bar design calculation caused crash or wasn't ever finished in case of some special sections.
Version 17.01.002
Released May 8th, 2018
- Numeric values of surface results were not deletable.
Version 17.01.001
Released May 4th, 2018
- "Check solid" option added to Steel joint module which precisely checks if there is any conflict between the joint components.
- Finnish NA for calculation of kr in EN 1991-1-4 4.3.2 is considered.
- A new option is added to numeric value properties: "Show load combination in case of max. of load combination results"
- New option is available for result numeric values to switch on/off addition information
- Thickness of top flange of delta beams is made parametric
- More explanation is displayed in fire design Calculation parameters dialog.
- Error message if "Seismic max" result is included in load combinations but not calculated using "Signed result" option.
- Error message pops up if the user wants to create a too short post-tensioned cable.
- Formula of nu1 used in calculation of concrete utilization of RC bars for shear and torsion is changed from EN1992-1-1 6.10 to 6.6.
- Deviation load macro calculates the "Struc. dead load" of profiled panels more accurately.
- Fire calculation parameter dialog of steel bars is reorganized to be be more clear.
- In some special cases a small normal force on a steel bar - with Class 4 section only for compression - caused too big difference in utilization.
- Minor fixes concerning cracked section analysis and RC shrinkage calculations.
- In case of very special geometries the updating of deflection lengths detected false changes.
- Line support group, Resultant table was not listed in the List dialog.
- Transformation of line tempreture load was not correct.
- In some cases the calculation of the maximum crack spacing by slab crack width calculation did not consider correctly the bar spacing if they were close to each other or not.
- Program crashed, when User pressed "Apply" at RC bar manual design, and all reinforcement had been deleted before.
- IFC file cannot be loaded into Brittish standard
- Program could crash if palette step value was too small (10e-7)
- If steel bar, fire design calculation failed because the calculation is not implemented for the section, the error message was not specific enough.
- From now the copy of covers will be performed without supporting structures.
- Colour palette results flashed on foundation structures
- Punching calculation caused crash in case of some weird geometry.
- Some formula references were missing from lateral torsion buckling detailed result of steel bar, fire design.
- Since now transparency is visible at print out.
- Negative storey levels were displayed with two "-" sign.
- Wrong elasticity modulus was specified for gypsum in Swedish code.
- Program crashed when calculating incorrectly placed punching regions.
- The load cases automatically generated by the Wind load macro were not "potentially leading load case" in load groups by default.
- In case of steel/timber bar manual design, if there was no section selected when dialog was closed, program crashed.
- In some special cases eccentricity of beams were not displayed properly at deformed shape results.
- Property modification of more isolated foundation may not have worked correctly in some cases.
- Calculation of Column base steel joints caused crash in case of some special geometry.
- If analysis detailed result is invalid in documentation model, the available commands are disabled
- Edge connection plastic data were not set correctly when they were automatically created as inner/border connections of profiled or timber panels.
- Deviation load macro could generate too long Load case name.
- Files that contained foundation detailed result crash at loading
- If documentation template contained an empty textbox, items following it were not generated.
- In certain cases it was not possible to put identical RC shells into the same design groups
- Display error of beams
- Transformation of isolated foundation was incorrect.
- After copy storey undo could cause crash.
- Tooltip of sectional data was unreadable in some window positions
- In foundation detailed result wrong formula was displayed for s_c, in case of soil bearing calculation under drained condition, according to Swedish Annex.
- Change appearance command modified only font size of one of the labels of line and surface loads.
- If model contained steel bar with varying cross-section, program crashed when when fire design utilization table was displayed.
- Prestress load case type was not listed in Load cases table
- Steel joint manual design results were not deleted when results of the whole structure became invalid.
- Streching of plain plate region vertex could cause increasing number of edge connections.
- In RC bar detailed result crack calculation table was not displayed for single combination result.
- Program could crash at displaying Local stability/Overturning of walls fo maximum of load combinations and automatic numeric value was displayed
- Circular isolated foundations were not displayed correctly.
- Corbels were not handled correctly if their column was divided.
- Name of storey and axis views follow the changes of the storeys and axes.
- There were missing warning messages about the applied reinforcements which are necessary for cracked section analysis.
- Files that were created in versions before FD 15.1 and contained intermediate section crashed at loading.
- If split direction of profiled plates was perpendicular to its plane FD crashed.
- In the case of self touching regions the Correct model / Merge region lines function could freeze.
- In the calculation of composite beams, only the ULS concrete material was taken into account.
- Focus rectangle disappeared from find function.
- In flexural torsional buckling calculation of steel bars with Class 4 sections the elastic critical force was not calculated accurately.
- In interaction calculation by Method A of steel bars with Class 4 sections the elastic critical force was not calculated accurately.
- After the placement of a wall foundation soil was not cut properly.
Version 17.00.002
Released March 5th, 2018
- Crack width calculation was not implemented for single layer reinforcement of shells.
- Reference added to Foundation design/Configuration/Method dialog.
- There is a new setting possibility to switch off the dots of separated end points of the edge connections.
- More explanation is displayed in fire design Calculation parameters dialog.
- PTC layout wizard adds the jacking side to the name.
- The cracked section convergence critera was improved, the new criteria gives better approach.
- Default setting and marking are swapped for separated end points of edge connections.
- In Structure/Strands list the Relaxation class data was inaccurate.
- Program crashed if more steel bar, fire design parameters with different fire protection material were selected for modifying their properites.
- Improper PTC shape could have caused crash.
- In some special cases the Correct model tool froze while flashing the errors.
- If manual numbering of an object was not executable, warning message did not display the ID and the position number.
- More calculation details are displayed for BS3 steel joints.
- Wrong load combinations were listed in Steel joint manual design, after max. of load group calculation.
- Displaying Foundation/Insulation result may have failed in some cases.
- Wall foundations with internal fictitious shell were not exported to StruXML correctly.
- Under very special circumstances surface finite element generation got into infinite loop.
- Shear capacities for CLT panels taken from the Martinssons tables are fixed.
- The result was not smoothed at copied peak smoothing regions.
- The end points of line connections without distances were separated without reason.
- The overlaps between covers and other objects were handled as an overlap error in the Correct model function. From now on this kind of overlaps are allowed by Correct model tool.
- Deleting reinforcement of foundation slab did not invalidate reinforcement results.
- In steel joint detailed result "Go to..." command was not disabled.
- PTC definition by coordinates did not work correctly.
- If the structure contained any cover the temperature, stress and support motion loads were not take into account.
- Save default didn't worked for snap's settings at Settings/All.
- Some formula references were missing from lateral torsion buckling detailed result of steel bar, fire design.
- Sometimes the separation of end points of edge connections were not correct.
- Utilization for column base joints' baseplate check was negative in some rare cases.
- Newly defined cross-section may have not been correctly recognized.
- Steel joint utilization result were not updated after manual design of a joint.
- Empty Strand library could have caused crash.
Version 17.00.001
Released January 22nd, 2018
First release of FEM-Design 17. Check what's new.
Check also
Other release notes