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Modeling and input

Last modified by Akos Rechtorisz on 2023/03/09 15:04


New foundation objects: Retaining wall and Excavation

Retaining walls can now be modeled and designed in the FEM-Design 22 version.


There are two new objects in the Foundation panel: Excavation and Simple retaining wall that can be used together in order to properly model vertical soil surfaces.


Using the Excavation object, one can create vertical cuts and holes in an existing Soil object with arbitrary polygonal shape and depth.


With the Simple retaining wall object, one can define retaining walls located in the vertical cut planes and equipped with physical parameters such as material, thickness, stiffness, etc. A retaining wall is actually a vertical shell object, which is connected to the Soil with the Surface connection object on both sides. Like other shell objects (e.g. Wall), it has a physical body and edge connection properties.




  • When modeling and calculating retaining walls, the Soil must be considered as a solid element (Settings > Calculation > Soil calculation) with non-linear behaviour (Calculate > Static and stability analysis > Load combinations > Setup by load combinations).


  • The characteristics of the connection between the Retaining wall and the Soil (component stiffnesses and behaviours for compression and tension) can be fine-tuned and modified using the Properties function of the Surface connection tool.


  • A retaining wall can be designed and checked in the same way as other shell objects.


Improved Surface connection tool

Until now, the Surface connection tool was only available for the Soil connections. From now on however, it is available for all shell objects.


The connected surfaces can have any geometry including holes, but they must be parallel with perpendicular projection, and must have exactly the same geometry. As in the case of other types of connections, all the characteristics of the Surface connection such as Springs and plastic limits, as wells as Detach behaviour can be specified in the Detailed settings.


Improved behaviour of covers' supporting structures

Until now, when one edited the properties or geometry of a supporting structure of cover (e.g cut a hole in the supporting wall), the supporting structure was automatically reset. From now on however, Covers retain their Supporting structure after they are modified, as long as the edge connecting to the Cover is not changed.


As soon as the geometry of a connected edge changes, the supporting structure will be reset. The lost Supporting structure can be manually or automatically reattached to the cover with the the following tools: Cover > Supporting structures > Select supporting structures manually or Select supporting structures automatically.

Copy edge connection properties

From now on, the Copy properties tool can also be used to copy and transfer the properties of an edge connection.


The Copy properties of edge connection works for all the shell element types.


Show selected objects in a new window

From now on, it is possible to quickly open a new window containing only selected objects.


Select objects manually or with the Filter, right click and use the Show selected in new window command. A new window with the same settings as the original will open, but only the selected objects are visible.


Labeled sections in Filter

From now on, the auxiliary result objects - Labelled sections are displayed in the Filter dialog (Quick tools).


Labelled sections only appear in the Filter list if the Labelled sections Object layer is active.