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FEM-Design 18 service releases

Last modified by Iwona Budny Bjergø on 2020/08/26 10:20

This page contains list of changes, fixes and new features in FEM-Design 18 service versions.

Version 18.00.006

Released January 28th, 2020


  • Both radio buttons can be active in steel bar fire design parameter.

Version 18.00.005

Released January 15th, 2020


  • Autocad connection has been updated to RealDWG  2020.
  • Clipboard Load export feature now supports assigned loads.
  • Connection forces results were displayed in new result dialog if there was no connection in the model.
  • From now it is allowed to define negative factor for the seismic max. in load combination.
  • Since now colour of numeric value can be changed.


  • Adding detailed result of brace type steel joint to documentation may have caused crash.
  • Adding punching detailed result to the Documentation caused crash if model contained timber panels.
  • Adding views to documentation did not keep the storey view settings.
  • After copying isolated foundation connection to soil was lost.
  • After copying properties of bore hole, the destination borehole disappeared.
  • After importing walls from Plate module to 3D Structure module the thickness of walls were not visible.
  • After opening DWG default cross-section of beams was set to undefined.
  • At calculation of timber bar apex, inner radius was used instead of radius of the midline.
  • Beam-to-column steel joint for hollow sections was not generated correctly in some special cases.
  • Bracing steel joint with end plates was not displayed correctly in some special cases.
  • Building height value of Wind load dialog was not grey although it is a read-only value.
  • By the calculation of the timber panel design strength parameters the ksys factor was in the denominator instead of the nominator.
  • Calculation of beam splice joints with bolted splice plates considered internal force components in the Built-in module that it should not.
  • Calculation of column base steel joint for RHS columns was not accurate is some cases.
  • Change solution function of Steel joint module did not work correctly if there was no other available joint type.
  • Changing unit doesn't worked at List/Section table.
  • Cursor did not disappear in RC bar manual design.
  • Defining wall with auto align option did not work correctly in plate module.
  • Displacement result ignored bar's intermediate sections if they were eccentric.
  • Edge connection's end-point disappear in struXML.
  • Extend command could re-select the same object.
  • FD cannot be launched if last opened drawing was located at company VPN (Virtual Private Network) server and Redirected user profile was activated and currently started FD is not connected to VPN.
  • Fdscript not showing some views with apply template.
  • Filter dialog did not work properly for getting properties of loads.
  • Generic material did not appear in filter.
  • Go to... command did not work in detailed result windows, after steel joint detailed result was displayed.
  • If a key was pressed after launching "Curve" command, program crashed.
  • If detailed result was displayed for both RC bars and RC concealed bars, program crashed occasionally.
  • If user recalculates only Load Combinations some peak smoothed results could be wrong.
  • If windows with 2D view were added to the documentation module, later changing their view to 3D failed.
  • In analysis detailed results combo boxes were not refreshed if User pressed Undo/Redo.
  • In case of curved steel bars, fire design calculation may have caused crash.
  • In some cases removing construction stages could cause crash if load combination contained it.
  • In some cases the nonlinear soil calculation stopped with unknown error at load level 10%.
  • In some cases the RC Design / Punching / Studrails / Auto design function could design under the necessary stud layout (Result shows the utilization over 100%).
  • In some special cases calculating punching perimeter was not correct.
  • In some special cases column base joint stiffness calculation gave negative value.
  • In some special cases peak smoothing was done twice in construction stages calculation.
  • In some special timber or fictitious bar calculation cases the handling of the shear deformation went wrong on the safe side.
  • It cannot be defined longitudinal bar with partial length in RC bar manual design.
  • It was not possible to draw closed labelled sections.
  • It was not possible to modify mesh line labels if they were related to soil.
  • It was not possible to open docx file, because there was a corrupt RC bar utilization picture in it.
  • It was not possible to undo moving load position changes.
  • It was possible to activate design layers in documentation module.
  • It was possible to copy hole into ground water level.
  • It was possible to copy hole into storey region.
  • Line thickness was not correct in printed pdf.
  • Load assignment could cause crash, if line load would be assigned to a point.
  • Load case to mass conversion data were lost, if object was pasted into the file by Edit/Paste command.
  • Material of the object was not highlighted in the dialog in some cases.
  • Minimizing detailed result window caused trouble.
  • Missing user defined line styles in DWG files.
  • Not all settings could be saved as default.
  • Numeric value font size of analysis detailed result was dependent on the length of the bar.
  • Numeric value to original shape did not work for coloured and graph bar results if bar was curved.
  • Numeric values were not visible while arranging them by Move command.
  • Program may have crashed when exiting steel joint manual design window.
  • Punching design was improved to consider some extreme cases.
  • Punching region was not refreshed when column eccentricity was modified.
  • RC bar, Manual design undo did not work well after check.
  • RC Shell crack width calculation: fix formula for Aceff in Norway annex.
  • RC shell result points out of shell region after modification of shell geometry were not deleted automatically.
  • Reactions under foundations were not displayed correctly at selected view.
  • Reinforcement layers were turned on in documentation module, if reinforcement design results were displayed.
  • Scrolling glitch in List Batch.
  • Some data cells were missing from dialog of surface stress and temperature loads in some special cases.
  • Steel bar shell model design calculation was not precise in case of local buckling.
  • Steel bar shell model results were not handled correctly, if there was no stability analysis performed on that specific load combination.
  • Steel design calculation did not work for rectangular sections.
  • The intermediate sections were deleted, in case bar was switched to steel bar shell model.

Version 18.00.004

Released June 13th, 2019


  • Program crashed, while entering to documentation module, if document contained steel joint. 
  • Printing documentation containing steel joint is fixed.
  • In some special cases Load combination / Generation... function did not generate the signed seismic max load combinations properly.

Version 18.00.003

Released June 3rd, 2019


  • "Short Load case names" option is added to Deviation load macro.
  • Seismic/Footfall list can be filtered by analytical elements.
  • Warning about too many load combination generation.


  • Minimum thickness of fire protection material is 0.01 mm instead of 1 mm.                    
  • Result colour palette options and zooming tools are moved from v17 to v18.                    
  • Short load combination names option is now checked by default in Generate load combination dialog.                    
  • Support tool has now an option to filter Norwegian support cases.                     
  • The section of the concealed bar changes if the shell thickness had been changed, instead of being deleted.


  • A status handling issue is solved in connection with Construction stages. If the model contained construction stage results then the loads were modified (value/geometry), load combination calculation could cause Fortran error.        
  • By very large models with lot of load combination the calculation has hit a deadlock situation (similar than an infinite loop). This was a processor usage fault related to Intel compiler.
  • Color of pictures in steel joint detailed result.                    
  • Columns containing corbels invalidated results if they were manually numbered.                    
  • Cracked section analysis failed, if the model contained arched wall foundation.                    
  • Crash if drag&drop file on the application window appeared before a previous load was fully completed.                    
  • Deflection result was not refreshed after recalculation.                    
  • Delta beams with rectangular shape can be calculated.                    
  • Display settings of cover were missing from 3D Frame module.                    
  • Editing bars with different eccentricity in end conditions could cause crash.                    
  • Editing columns with different end conditions could cause crash.                    
  • Editing shells which already had reinforcement may have caused crash, if they were a member of a design group.                    
  • Fill all cells option did not work for concealed bar listing.                    
  • Hiding/showing sections of documentation caused crash in some special cases.                    
  • If a bar does not have section at file loading, it is deleted, and warning message is displayed                    
  • Imperfection result displaying could cause crash using ""Show positive only"" option without positive Critical parameter results."                    
  • In Danish annex, EC2 7.3.2 (3), 4th condition have been removed.                 
  • In documentation module, in Foundation design graphical window Automatic numeric value command had wrong icon.                    
  • In some special cases punching regions were outside the shell region, which caused crash during the calculation.                    
  • In some special cases the Beam/Column dialog in End conditions tab could freeze.                    
  • Interaction calculation according to Method 1 was not correct in case of steel bars that were continuously restrained against lateral torsional buckling.                    
  • It was allowed to enter a very small apex radius.                    
  • It was allowed to use negative number to generate axes.                    
  • It was not possible to delete steel joint result's numeric values                     
  • It was not possible to resize Filter dialog.                     
  • It was not possible to save joints into joint libraries.                    
  • It was possible to delete shell reinforcement in documentation module, after displaying design result in the graphical window.                    
  • List / Analysis / Max. of Combination / Bars, End forces sometimes lists in the penultimate node instead of the bar's end node.                    
  • Load combination / Generate... function could generate load combinations with 0 factor load cases, which significantly increased the overall number of Load combinations.  
  • Load group command did not work in case of Romanian NA.                    
  • Merged Moving loads could cause crash in specific cases.                    
  • Modification of plate and wall appearance may have caused problems in geometrical system appearance.                    
  • Mt in bar results coming from concentrated torsional moments had wrong sign.                    
  • Nu value is removed from Romanian seismic calculation.                    
  • Overturning of wall result's numeric value was not always oriented horizontally.                    
  • Post-tensioned cables could have been multiplied if the parent bar object was modified.                    
  • Program could crash during plasticity calculation, if load case list was modified before and load combination list has been modified too.                    
  • Program crashed at displaying bar-shell detailed result, if there was no stability shape calculated for the first ultimate limit state load combination.                    
  • Program crashed at loading the file, if it contained user defined filter with a dimension member.                    
  • Quantity estimation was not accurate for several Punching reinforcements (Stud, PSB and Circular stirrup scheme).                    
  • Quick tools state and belonging menu item was not synchronized.                    
  • Range of materials' dynamic modification factor was wrong in StruXML.                    
  • Result title was doubled if only a part of the load was applied for a plastic load combination.                    
  • Steel joint detailed results sometimes were not arranged correctly in the documentation, or even may have caused crash.                    
  • Steel joint result was missing in Quick Tools result window.                    
  • Steel joint result were not visible in 2D view, if joint layer was not switched on.                    
  • The wall foundation's fictitious shell was on wrong layer.                    
  • Timber panel appeared in list of materials during code change.                     
  • Using Ctrl+A during changing analytical model of bars could cause crash.                    
  • Very special clicking order could cause crash in quick tools.                    
  • Wall foundation stretching sometimes caused crash.                    
  • Wall foundation's insulation was always 0 in the geometry.

Version 18.00.002

Released March 5th, 2019



  • Self excitation regions and Full excitation points are added to the statistics.
  • Deflection checking process can be interrupted by Esc button.
  • If the Geometrical system layer was invisible before Fixed point, Fixed line, Division number and Refine functions there will be switched off at the end of them.


  • Equilibrium result tables were not displayed in documentation after leaving and entering again documentation module.
  • Imperfection result name was not displayed correctly, if "Show positive only" option was checked.
  • Deflection check of bars for load groups crashed the program if any of the load groups contained "Final construction stage".
  • Wrongly set shape could cause crash in Post-tensioned cable properties dialog.
  • Section result were not displayed/listed at the end of the section in some special cases
  • Program crashed if Check button was pressed on Foundation design tab, while there weren't any foundation object in the model.
  • Documentation/Image properties were not modified
  • Copy of a load assigned to a structure caused crash
  • Making shell model of a bar that had connected joint caused crash when shell model was converted back to bar model.
  • Pasting file could cause trouble at load case handling
  • Physical view of bars that were connected to a steel joint that belonged to a design group was not correct in some cases after the joint was manually modified.
  • Load case name with international characters could show incorrectly in documentation
  • Welded rectangular hollow section were sometimes recognized as Delta-beams.
  • In RC shell detailed result, maximum result of shell buckling, combinations with warning message "compression force is larger then buckling force" were not taken into account during the maximum search.
  • Using Move function Post-tensioned cables could be multiplied if those are geometrically fit for multiple parent objects.
  • Undo in documentation module caused crash if some tables were in an inactive section.
  • Listing some RC design results in Plate module may have caused crash.
  • Automatic numeric value was not displayed in some cases for coloured surface reaction results.
  • Modification of more than one table column width at a time in the documentation caused crash in some special cases
  • It was not possible to modify E2/E1 of walls.
  • FD wont start after company settings created in FD17 has been imported.
  • Few Construction stage / Structural element reassignment connected crashes are fixed.
  • In the case of wall eccentricity the physical model of corbel was wrong.
  • FEM-Design installation failed unreasonably with 'AVX feature not supported' error msg in some very rare cases.
  • In case of some files made in earlier FD versions, reinforcement layers were displayed on Structure tab and it was not possible to hide them
  • Attempt to move the first Section of Documentation may have caused crash.
  • In case of steel bars, if cross-section's first principal axis was parallel with its z axis, the reduced moment capacity was not calculated correctly
  • Copying property to a bar with varying cross-section may have caused crash in case of incompatible cross-sections.
  • There was some trouble at handling protected layers
  • If surface coloured result was displayed on deformed shape, numeric values were not fit to the deformed shape at re-scaling.
  • It was not possible to manually define no-shear region for RC shells in some cases
  • Using CTRL+C, CTRL+V in Plate module may have caused crash.
  • Steel bar fire design interaction calculations were not displayed correctly in the detailed results.
  • If Close button was pressed in Recovery dialog, new file was started without checking if the current one is saved.
  • Automatic renumbering did not work in some cases for supports of piles.
  • AutoCAD - RealDWG Component could have been missed after FEM-Design installation, and due to that opening AutoCAD drawings was impossible.
  • Handling of "0" layer was confusing.
  • Program crashed at displaying bar-shell detailed result, if there was no stability shape calculated for the first ultimate limit state load combination.

Version 18.00.001

Released January 17th, 2019

This is first release of FEM-Design 18. Check what's new in this version.