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New features in FEM-Design 21

Last modified by Fredrik Lagerström on 2022/02/15 13:36

The following section highlights all new features and changes in FEM-Design 21. All the features and improvements are sorted by the area, and described together in dedicated sections. Bug fixes in FEM-Design 21 are added into Release notes.

 FEM-Design 3D StructureFEM-Design 3D FrameFEM-Design Plate

User Interface

New Logo---
New Command Center---
Refreshed icons and toolbars
User interface configuration
Duplicate window

 FEM-Design 3D StructureFEM-Design 3D FrameFEM-Design Plate


New hot rolled hollow section type
Single symmetric sections for composite beams
Steel haunch 
Change panel direction  
Unit mass of fictitious bar
Fictitious truss member
Reset (cover) supporting structures 
Improved modification of library objects

 FEM-Design 3D StructureFEM-Design 3D FrameFEM-Design Plate


Display settings in Quick tools
Improved display of labels and results
Improved display of Storeys and Axes 
Bar end point information 
Show all function
Integrated calculator
New renaming and renumbering policy
Improved layer manager
Filter improvements
Improved Statistics dialog

 FEM-Design 3D StructureFEM-Design 3D FrameFEM-Design Plate


Climate load panel  
Snow load macro 
Shear wall wind load macro  
Copy and paste in Load cases' relationship dialog
Modify deviation load name 

 FEM-Design 3D StructureFEM-Design 3D FrameFEM-Design Plate


Periodic excitation  
Plastic steel bar analysis 
Extended imperfection calculations 
Storey fundamental frequency  
Faster non-linear calculations 
Improved 'Load mismatch' warning
Display analysis messages
Open last calculation report

 FEM-Design 3D StructureFEM-Design 3D FrameFEM-Design Plate

General design

Deflection utilization in design results 
Modified buckling length in fire design 
Utilization tables for fire design groups 
Project-stored calculation configurations
Improved modification of design groups

 FEM-Design 3D StructureFEM-Design 3D FrameFEM-Design Plate

RC design

Eccentricity increment
Automatic buckling length calculation  
Punching for wall ends 
Change direction of concealed bar  
Ignore torsion in RC bar design
Symmetric bar reinforcement
Change of bar cross section during design
Bar reinforcement summary
Improved auto-design of RC shells 
Auto-update of RC shell results 
Reinforcement colour settings 
Improved Quantity estimation of RC elements

 FEM-Design 3D StructureFEM-Design 3D FrameFEM-Design Plate

Steel design

Ignore stability checks
List and display joint forces 

 FEM-Design 3D StructureFEM-Design 3D FrameFEM-Design Plate

Timber design

CLT Fire design  
Timber panel in Quantity estimation  

 FEM-Design 3D StructureFEM-Design 3D FrameFEM-Design Plate

Masonry design

Improved input of fxk1  
Shear check  

 FEM-Design 3D StructureFEM-Design 3D FrameFEM-Design Plate

Composite design

Auto design of composite columns 
Parametric reinforcement of composite columns 
Fire design of composite columns 

 FEM-Design 3D StructureFEM-Design 3D FrameFEM-Design Plate

Results and documentation

Collection of color schemes
Improved display of Missing... result type 
Same scale for different results
Improved result handling in Quick Tools
Numeric values on detailed results graphs
Default font style for numeric values
Effective masses listed in Quick tools 
Converted loads listed in tables 
GUID data listed in tables

 FEM-Design 3D StructureFEM-Design 3D FrameFEM-Design Plate

API and interoperability

Export to IFC 
Improved import from IFC  
Improved import from SAF 
StruXML improvements 
FdScript improvements---
Insertion point for dwg drawings