Version 1.1.018
Last modified by Iwona Budny Bjergø on 2023/07/03 09:45
Compatibility with FEM-Design 21.00.001 struxml schema.
StruSoft StruXML Revit plugin is now compatible with the changes in struxml schema in FEM-Design 21.00.01
Cover load bearing direction is exported.
If a slab is exported as cover (Floor Conversion tool: Export as Cover), the span direction of the slab is exported and converted to the cover load bearing direction.
If floor is exported as Cover and:
- Analyze As parameter of Analytical Floor is set to One-way, then the exact Span direction from the floor definition is exported as cover load bearing direction (monodirectional).
- Analyze As parameter of Analytical Floor is set to Two-way, then the Span direction from the floor definition is ignored, and the cover is assigned with bidirectional load bearing direction.