Export procedure
StruXML Revit Add-In
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- Analytical model
- Material
- Connection status
- Wall edge connections
- Floor Conversion
- Wall Conversion
- StruXML Guid
- Guid Search
Export StruXML
Import StruXML
Model preparation
The most important task, before one transfers the model, is verification and adjustment of the Revit analytical model. The exact definition of analytical model is exported to FEM-Design therefore, it is extremely important to pay attention to its quality.
You shall remember the following:
- Make sure all the structural elements that you wish to export have to have an analytical model enabled.
- Make sure the Revit analytical model represents the structure well.
- Every structural element has to have a valid Structural Material assigned to it.
Before exporting a model from Revit to FEM-Design, make sure to get familiar with the Export scope of the connections between Revit and FEM-Design. In preparation of your model you may also want to use some of the Tools offered by the plugin.
Launching Export StruXML
1. If the analytical model is prepared, proceed with the Export StruXML command that is placed in the StruXML panel in the StruSoft tab in Revit.
2. Upon choosing the Export StruXML command, a Code dialog will appear. Before exporting model to FEM-Design, it is necessary to select one of the design codes. Chosen code and national annex will influence the material and sections library that will be used for mapping. After choosing the desired code standard, check Set as default box, if you want to save this choice.
3. Upon pressing OK in the Code dialog, a StruXML Export dialog will appear.
StruXML Export dialog
StruXml Export dialog consists of three tabs: Export, Materials and Sections. In the Export tab of a StruXML Export dialog user can:
- change the previously chosen Code Standard,
- decide if to export Grids, Levels, Reference planes and Loads,
- decide if to export Loads and load combinations,
- decide if to export Unmapped sections,
- decide if foundation elements should be exported as supports (check Foundation as Supports),
- decide if beams eccentricity should be exported (check Export beams eccentricity),
- decide if to export only selected elements (check Export only selected),
- decide, id user defined identifiers should be exported,
- add default edge connections to walls (only for post processing),
- see the list of warnings (orange bullets) and errors (red bullets), as well as export results listed in the status window,
- export the model to struXML file,
- see the Export Report (that becomes active when the export is done).
Step by step guide
Scenario 1: After launching StruXML Export dialog there are no warnings about unmapped elements.
It means that all the materials and profiles used in your current project have already been mapped and saved before, and no mapping is needed. However, it is recommended to go to Materials and Sections tabs in order to check and approve the previously saved mapping. In this situation, the procedure is as follow:
- In the Export tab, press an icon with three dots to define location and name of the struxml file.
- Press the Export button to export the model into struxml file.
When the export is finished, an export status will be displayed in the status window as shown below and the Export Report will become active.
Scenario 2: After launching StruXML Export dialog there is a list of warnings about unmapped elements.
It means that all or some of the materials and/or sections included in the Revit model have to be mapped to the corresponding materials/sections in FEM-Design. In this situation, the procedure is as follow:
In this situation, the procedure is as follow:
- Go to Materials tab and map the listed materials.
- Go to Sections tab and map the listed sections and profiles or chose to export unmapped sections.
- Go back to Export tab, and if there is no warning left in the status window, press an icon with three dots to define location and name of the struxml file.
- Press the Export button to export the model into struxml file.
When the export is finished, an export status will be displayed in the status window, and the Export Report will become active.