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Last modified by Hamid Richard Allili on 2018/11/30 19:19


Feature 1 StruXML improvements

New types of structural objects:
- Cover
- Building cover

- Diaphragm

- Timber panel
- Surface connection


New types of loads:
- Line temperature variation load
- Soil/hydrostatic pressure load
- Surface temperature variation load
- Line stress load
- Surface stress load
- Point support motion load
- Line support motion load
- Surface support motion load
- Load groups

New types of object parts:
- Bars' intermediate sections
- Column corbel
- Wall corbel
- Shell buckling lengths

New types of reinforcements:
- Hidden bar
- Stud rails

New library types:
- point connection types
- point support group types
- line connection types
- line support group types
- surface connection types
- surface support types
- timber panel types

New features:
- Steel bars' bucklings has a new type: 'pressured_bottom_flange', the 'pressured_flange' is the top flange from FD18.
- Bar bucklings are updateable from FD18, and the marking of start & end points has an easier method: <xs:element name="position"    type="segmentposition_type" />.
- Panels has internal edge connections
- Force loads has a new feature: apply on eccentric axis/surface: 'apply_on_ecc'
- You can assign force loads to structural elements: 'assigned_structure'
- Load combinations already support the following system generated load cases: Seismic max., Seis res Fx+Mx, Seis res Fx-Mx, Seis res Fy+My and Seis res Fy-My and Seis res Fz


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