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User interface, input and modelling

Last modified by Iwona Budny Bjergø on 2024/02/08 13:39


Refreshed user interface

The interface of the new FEM-Design 23 version has been further refined, becoming more unified and modern for easier use and understanding.


Apply button in relevant dialogs

The settings in the Change appearance, all Documentation dialogs and all result Display options can now be approved and previewed immediately using the Apply button, without closing the dialog box. This way, you can switch between several setting alternatives in fewer steps.


Views options in Filter mode

From now on, when selecting objects in Filter mode, zooming, viewpoint specification, and display mode functions work in the model space (see highlighted icons in the figure). This feature enables searching within complex and large projects while providing relevant and clear views.


Quick access to window arrangement

Window arrangement options are now available in the top right control of each window.


Enhanced object labels

The latest version of FEM-Design incorporates following new features in object labeling:

Default colors

At the object category level, you can specify the text and background colour for each label category. You can specify custom colours or use the current colours of the objects. In the latter case, the current colour comes from the object's layer colour, the settings of the Colour schema (Tools menu), or custom colours (Modify > Change appearance). The background colour of the label can also be turned off.

Rotate (labels) to screen plane

Labels can automatically rotate into the plane of the current view/screen.

Arrange labels

The label positions can now be automatically adjusted to avoid overlapping using the Arrange labels tool.


The following figure illustrates that the text and frame of the identification labels of bars get the object colours (“By object” value) assigned to cross-sectional dimensions (set by Colour schema), and the backgrounds have pale shade of the object colours ("Auto" value); while the labels of all supports have a specified red background with black text.


Fade all others in a view

It is now possible to quickly create a view, where only selected objects are highlighted. That can be done using the new option accessible from the right click menu: Fade all others. The new feature fades (with a fixed 90% transparency) all, but selected objects. 


Simplified Hide / Show workflow

The Hide / Show dialog box has been simplified. From now on, if the Hide function is active, the objects selected by a Filter will be hidden. If the Show function is active, all other objects will be hidden except for those  selected by the Filter.


Save and select display status

The transparency and visibility status of objects (shown/hidden) in a view can be now stored with a given name and can be loaded at any time with the new Save display status and Select display status commands. The Reset display status function of the latter command displays all visible objects with 0% transparency.


Separate layers for modeling tools

For more convenient handling of Modelling tool objects (Connections, Fictitious bars, Fictitious shells and Diaphragms), they are now placed on 4 separate Object layers.
