Drawing and Editing Tools
Although FEM-Design is an analysis and design application, CAD drawing can be also done with its built-in drawing tools. Editing tools also available to edit, modify and multiply both structural and drawing elements. Drawings can be the draft of the later design model, but you may also export them in the popular DWG and DXF formats.
Drawing tools are grouped in the Draw menu, but they are directly available from the list appears when clicking key together with
Editing tools are grouped in the Edit menu, but they are directly available from the list appears when clicking .
Figure: Drawing and editing tools
Draw Menu Commands
The following rules are valid for the drawing commands and elements:
- Drawing elements are placed and stored in Drawing layers.
- The color of the current drawing layer is the default drawing color. Under “Current color” button of Status bar, you can customize the drawing color independently from the host layer’s color.
- The style of the drawing lines and edges can be set with “Current style”.
- Drawing and text styles together with display settings of drawing elements are available at Settings.
- Although, you may draw in 3D, in most cases, it is recommended to set the user coordinate-system in the drawing plane.
- To define drawing points, type coordinate and angle values in the Command line and/or Co-ordinate box or use the Object snap tools to pick requested special points.
- Command line guides you with the steps of drawing element definition.
The next table summarizes the available drawing tools, their functions and definition steps.
Command | Icon | Description | Definition modes |
Point | ![]() | Defines a point based on the current drawing settings. | - |
Line | ![]() | Defines a line or connected lines (open, closed and/or polyline) based on the current drawing settings. | Definition of start- and endpoints |
Rectangle | ![]() | Defines a rectangle (closed contour) based on the current drawing settings. | Definition of two opposite corners |
Arc | ![]() | Defines a circular arc based on the current drawing settings. |
Circle | ![]() | Defines a circle arc based on the current drawing settings. |
Region | ![]() | Defines a drawing region with arbitrary shape. Also holes can be added to the region. |
Solid | ![]() | Defines prismatic, centric, sphere, regular and general 3D solid surface. Generic solid can be generated with the help of arbitrary shapes and directrix. Solids can be also cutted in their heights. |
Text | ![]() | Defines arbitrary text in custom style and any direction. | - |
Field | ![]() | Places autotext in custom style and any direction. | - |
Dimension | ![]() | Defines length, angle and level dimensions in custom style. |
Title information table | ![]() | Places a table that displays title Information of the current project. The content of the table can be set by Settings > Title. The width of the information table is defined by the text size and style (Settings> Text). Table is placed in the Title information object layer. Layer color defines the table color too. | - |
Table: Draw menu tools
The following chapters give more details for some drawing items.
This chapter shows some example for available solid geometries and introduces how general solids can be defined with the help of shape contour and directrix.
![]() | There are no real curved surfaces in 3D modeling, so the program approximates the curved surfaces with polygonal planes. The value of approximation can be set by the Refracting angle option (Primary/Secondary). The next figure shows the meaning of refracting angle values for a double-curved surface (defined by Figure: Curved surface approximation |
Figure: Some examples for prismatic solids with definition steps
Figure: Full or truncated pyramid (Centric solid)
Figure: Some examples for centric solids with definition steps
Figure: Spheres defined in different coordinate-systems
Figure: Half and truncated spheres
Figure: Octa-, dodeca- and icosahedron
With General tool, general 3D solids can be defined with a directrix and a generation line (builds up the surface of the solid). Both of them can be a closed contour line or an arbitrary line (it can be also closed), but one by one. The only rule is that they must touch each other. Five tools can be used for defining the contour geometry and other five ones for defining the line geometry. The function of the contour line or the arbitrary line can be set with the Directrix is contour line (and the generation line is the arbitrary line) or the Directrix is line (and the generation line is the contour line) tools. The final shape of the solid depends on the Perpendicular and Constant options that define how (in what angle) the generation line will be transformed around the directrix:
- Perpendicular: the solid sections having the same shape with the generation line will be perpendicular to the directrix in its all points.
- Constant: the solid sections (inner surfaces) will be parallel with the generation line along the directrix.
Figure: Different combinations of directrix and generation line
Figure: Both directrix and generation line are closed contours
Text and Field
Custom ( Text command) and automatic (
Field command) texts can be placed on the drawing area in arbitrary position. They can also be edited any time.
Figure: Text and Field commands with their settings
At Text, the custom text can be defined in the Text field. At Field, the content of autotext can be set at Type. Some autotext types (such as Project title, Description, Designer’s name, Signature and Comments) are defined by the user at Settings > Title, and the other ones automatically set by the current project settings (such as File name, File date, Code name etc.). Field is especially useful in Documentation, as you can see it from the range of autotext types.
The following text properties can be set for both text and field items:
- Font
Choose the required font type from available MS Windows offered types. - Script
Script solves the character problems at different languages. An example for the Times New Roman font: character “ő” appears as “õ” in Western, but as correct “ő” in Central European script. - Size
It is the height of the font in millimeters. - Width
It is the width of the font. Its value that is lower than 1 defines narrower letters. Its value that is bigger than 1 results thicker letters. - Slant
You can set the slant of the letters in degrees that closes angle with the vertical direction. The angle is measured clockwise. The standard italic font has about 10-15 degree slant. - Alignment
In the Alignment figure you can set the position of the text insertion point. The hatched rectangle is the border of the text and the insertion point is in the intersection of the two black lines. Moving the black lines with the mouse offers nine possible positions for the insertion point.
To place the text/field on the drawing area, give the coordinates of the insertion point, and then define its direction. The mouse button sets the direction parallel (“horizontal”) with the X direction of UCS.
Figure: Text position
Special characters can be defined in Text field by typing “%” before letters and numbers. These are the followings:
- %g = ° (degree symbol)
- %d = ∅ (diameter symbol)
- %p = ± (plus/minus symbol)
- %% = %
- %2 = 2 (square sign)
- %3 = 3 (cube sign)
With Dimension, length, angle and level dimensions can be defined in custom style. The style of dimensions can be set by
Default settings.
Figure: Dimension settings
- Dimension line extension
Dimension line can be extended with a value. - Level
The size of theLevel dimension symbol can be set with Size value.
- Color and Pen width
You can choose a color (black by default) for all dimension items, and set a pen width for the lines. - Layer
Drawing layer (“DIM” by default) can be chosen for the new dimension items. Of course, you can define and use different layers by position (external/internal), by direction (horizontal/vertical), by type (length/level dimension) for example. - Extension line
Sizes, positions and display settings can be set for extension lines. - Arrowheads
The style, the size and the pen width of the arrowheads can be set here. - Text display properties
The text style, the decimal numbers and the measurement unit type (independently from the project unit settings) of the numeric values can be set here. Additional text can be inserted before and after the measured values with Prefix and Suffix. Also special characters can be used as dimension text. - Horizontal / Vertical alignment
The alignment of text to dimension lines can be set by direction.
Dimension types
From the Dimension tool palette chose the required type of the new dimension.
Figure: Dimension types
Different directions can be set for Linear type dimensions:
- Predefined direction
The direction of dimension lines can be set parallel with one of the axis directions of the UCS or the global system.
Figure: Dimensions parallel with global axes - Parallel with line
The direction of dimension lines can be set parallel with a line defined by two points.
Figure: Dimensions parallel with a given line - Perpendicular to plane
The direction of dimension lines can be set perpendicular to a given plane (e.g. the plane of a wall).
Figure: Dimensions perpendicular to a given plane
Figure: Dimensions of arcs and circles
Figure: Dimensions of angles
Figure: Level dimension
Modification in dimension
- Modify line dimension
With this tool you can add new (reference) points to a selected predefined linear dimension line. First select the required dimension line, and then place the new point.
Figure: New points added to dimension line
- Add dimension to base line
New dimension lines can be added to a baseline of an existing linear dimension line. This means, that the starting point of the new lines is at the selected baseline of the dimension line. First select the dimension line, then choose the side or baseline, and finally add the new points. The new lines will inherit all properties from the selected one. The location of the selected dimension line determines that the new lines will be above it or below it.
Figure: New dimension line assigned to a base line of an existing one
- Dimension line position
The position of a predefined dimension lines can be modified easily. Just select the required dimension line, and then define its new position.
Figure: Modification in dimension line positions - Text content
The real measured values can be substitute with any custom text. Not only numbers but letters can be added as text content. Do not forget to hide unit system, if you want to display only the new text. First select the text value, and then type the required text in the Text content dialog. Clicking the Original button restores the measured dimension value and overwrites the custom, the user-modified text.
Edit and Modify Menu Commands
The Edit menu contains tools for editing and modifying drawing elements, structural elements, loads, reinforcement objects, result data, etc. The following table summarizes the editing tools, their function and examples.
Edit Command | Icon | Function | Example |
Repeat command | Reruns the last used command. | ||
Undo | ![]() | Undoes the last operation such as the editing operations summarized in this list. The maximum numbers of undoable operations can be set at Settings > Environment > General > System > Undo steps. Calculation operations and previous commands cannot be undone. Undo command does not close the current action window only resets it. | |
Redo | ![]() | Executes the previously undone command. Redo command does not close the current action window only resets it. | |
Cut | ![]() | Erases selected elements of the project and places it onto the Clipboard in order to Paste them later to the drawing area. An insertion point is required for the later insertion (paste). | |
Copy | ![]() | Places selected items on the Clipboard. It does not delete the original objects. An insertion point is required for the later insertion (paste). | |
Paste | ![]() | Inserts the FEM-Design-type drawing contents of the Clipboard into the current project’s drawing area. The elements are placed with the coordinates of the insertion point defined by Cut and Copy. Paste together with Cut and Copy is working between more than one opened projects too. | |
Erase | ![]() | Deletes selected objects from the current project and so from the drawing area. Some special objects can be deleted with their own eraser tool:
| |
Copy bitmap | It exports the selected part of the drawing area to the Clipboard as an image, and it can be inserted to other programs such as photo editors, MS Word, MS Excel, etc. | ||
Paste file | Inserts the whole geometrical content (drawing and structural elements, loads, finite element mesh) of a FEM-Design file into the current project. The insertion point of the copied content is the global system origin of the pasted file. The loaded file must be compatible with the current FEM-Design module. | - | |
External reference | It imports DWG/DXF drawings as an image in the background | ||
Modify commands | Icon | Function | Example |
Move | ![]() | Moves objects or their copies with a given distance (displacement vector) in the drawing area. | |
Copy | ![]() | Makes more than one copies of selected objects. Each copies can be moved with different distances. The base point of each copies are the same point of the selected elements. | |
Mirror | ![]() | Mirrors selected objects or make a mirrored copy of them. Elements or their copies can be mirrored to a given line or plane. | ![]() |
Rotate | ![]() | Rotates selected objects or make a rotated copy of them. Elements or their copies can be rotated around a given point or line with an accurate angle or a defined new position. | ![]() |
Array > Rectangular | ![]() | Multiplies selected objects as row (UCS y direction) and column (UCS x direction) distribution. The number of copies and the distance between the copies by direction are required. | ![]() |
Array > Polar | ![]() | Multiplies selected objects by rotating them around a centre point. Required data: direction of rotation (Clockwise/Counter-clockwise), the origin of the rotation, the rotation angle and the number of copies. | ![]() |
Offset | ![]() | Makes a copy of line-type objects (line, arc, region contour, beam, column etc.) that will be placed parallel with the original object with a given distance and on the defined side. | ![]() |
Stretch | ![]() | Stretches line-type elements or the selected corners of closed polygons and region-type elements. | ![]() |
Curve | ![]() | Curve a line-type element or an edge of region-type elements. Clicking | ![]() |
Elbow | ![]() | Breaks a selected line or region edge, or in other word, it adds new point to lines and edges in new position. | ![]() |
Scale | ![]() | Scales objects, blocks, even the entire structure. A base point (will be the only point that will remain in its original place after scaling) and the scale factor are required for scaling | ![]() |
Split | ![]() | Automatically splits selected line-type elements in their common intersections. | ![]() |
Trim | ![]() | Cuts line-type objects along an edge defined by another object. The cutting edge may have a real or virtual intersetion with the selected line wanted to be trimmed. | ![]() |
Extend | ![]() | Extends line-type objects to an edge defined by another object. The boundary edge may have a real or virtual intersetion with the selected line wanted to be extended. | ![]() |
Break | ![]() | Cuts a section from line-type object and breaks it into two independent object. Break can be used to cut a line into two parts by double clicking in the same line point (zero section length). | ![]() |
Chamfer | ![]() |
| ![]() |
Fillet | ![]() |
| ![]() |
Modify region | ![]() |
| ![]() |
Modify solid | ![]() |
| ![]() |
Change direction | ![]() | Modifies the direction of the following object types:
| ![]() |
Change appearance | ![]() |
Table: Edit menu tools
Quick modifications
By clicking right mouse button the quick menu appears. After clicking on an arbitrary element all the commands of quick menu are visible but those that are not available for the chosen element(s) are disabled.
Click LB (default) | Click + hold LB | CTRL + Hold LB | |
Line’s end point Node on surface edge | Stretch | Stretch | Drag a copy |
Along point along line | Curve | Move | Drag a copy |
Any point inside Surface | Move | Move | Drag a copy |
Any point on screen, where there is nothing | Box selection |
- At
user can select another command in the Modify menu which is also available by
on line’s end point or node on surface edge starts ‘Stretch’ command or the last used command selected by the user for this case
on any point along the line starts ‘Curve’ command or the last command
on any point inside on surface starts ‘Move’ command
and holding at line’s end point or surface edge’s end node starts ‘Stretch’ command
and holding at any point along line or any point inside surface starts ‘Move’ command
at any point in a structural or drawing element starts to drag a copy of the object.
none of the objects starts ‘Box selection’
none of the objects hit pops up ‘Modify’ commands.
Guide lines and Tracker
The Guide lines and Tracker appears when any commands started and assist the user in modeling and modifying elements in a much more effective way. Guide lines are displayed temporarily during modification or drawing to assist user to find desired point in a fast and easy way. There are two kinds of Guide lines Straight and Circular. The Color and Angle step can be set in the Settings/Environment/Guide line and Tracker. All features of Guide lines can be turned OFF/ON in its Setting dialog. There are three colors of Guide lines in FEM-Desig. Dark green line will be drawn if the Guide line is parallel with the X axis of UCS, orange line will be drawn if it is parallel with the Y axis of UCS and light green (as default color) line will be drawn for any other guide line.
Stand | Click RB | |
Along line or arc | Parallel guide line | Parallel guide line |
Line’s middle or end point | Perpendicular guide line | Perpendicular guide line |
Guide line | - | Remove that guide line |
Guide lines can be defined on the following ways:
- It appears automatically after 1 second, if mouse stands over a line
This function can be turned off in its Settings by unchecking „Pop up guide line automatically if the mouse stays over a line for more than 1 second”
on a line (straight, arc, circle or any object having these kind of geometry)
Virtual intersections can be found easily with Guide lines
and drag mouse to define arbitrary guide line. If
is pressed, the line is created with finite length (from start point to end point), otherwise it will have infinite length.
Middle point of a rectangle can be found easily with Guide lines
Guide lines are drawn in 3D, but Master Line (thick line) from which angle is measured, can only be placed in UCS or in a plane parallel to UCS.
- Perpendicular guide line appears if mouse cursor stands over the end or middle point of a line, otherwise Parallel guide line appears.
over guide line will remove that guide line.
- By
over snap-free places, guide line settings will pop up.
- Snapping on a Guide line +
will stick the pointer to that guide line.
The Tracker tooltip shows Angle, Distance, dx, dy and dz from the last point. It pop up next to the cursor while drawing and the tracker will be the same color as the Guide line.
Modify region
Modify region command includes editing functions of drawing regions and region-type structural objects (plate, wall, surface load, surface support, surface reinforcement etc.).
- Remove hole
- Split region
It divides regions into several pieces by cutting edge that can be defined manually as custom polyline or by selecting predefined lines or by selecting a region intersects the original one.
Figure: Splitting region
- Perpendicular region offset
It increases or decreases region area parallel with region edges. Offset can be done for all region edges, for all external contour, or for the hole edges.
Figure: Perpendicular region offset
- Direction region offset
It increases or decreases region area along a defined direction. Offset can be done for all region edges, for all external contour, or for the hole edges.
Figure: Direction region offset
- Swap top and bottom faces
It exchanges the upper and lower surface of plates and the front and back sides of walls. It also mirrors objects with variable thicknesses.
Figure: Swap plate region surface (variable thickness)
- Logical operation: Union
It adds user-defined area to a selected region or unifies two predefined regions. The result region always inherits the properties of the goal region selected first.
Figure: Custom drawn part added to a (plate) region
Figure: Unifying two regions into one
- Logical operation: Substract
It cuts out a part of a region, which will be determined by another region intersects the original one. The result region always inherits the properties of the goal region selected first.
Figure: Substract of two intersected regions
- Logical operation: Intersection
It creates a new region from the intersection of two regions. The result region always inherits the properties of the goal region selected first.
Figure: Intersection of two regions
- Logical operation: Excluded “OR” (XOR)
It performs an algebral XOR operation on an existing region and a shape drawn to intersect it or two regions having common part. The common part will be deleted. The result region always inherits the properties of the goal region selected first.
Figure: Deleted intersection part of two regions
Modify solid
Solid operations command includes editing functions of drawing solids.
- Remove hole
- Split solid
It divides solids into several pieces by cutting plane that can be defined manually as custom plane or by selecting existing regions or by selecting a solid intersects the original one.
Figure: Splitting solid with predefined region and custom defined plane
- Logical operation: Union
It unifies one solid with another one(s). The result solid always inherits the properties of the goal solid selected first.
Figure: Unifying three solids into one
- Logical operation: Substract
It cuts out a part of a solid, which will be determined by another solid intersects the original one. The result solid always inherits the properties of the goal solid selected first.
Figure: Substract of solids
- Logical operation: Intersection
It creates a new solid from the common part of two solids. The result solid always inherits the properties of the goal solid selected first.
Figure: Intersection of two solids
- Logical operation: Excluded “OR” (XOR)
It performs an algebral XOR operation on two selected solids. The common part will be deleted. The result solid always inherits the properties of the goal solid selected first.
Figure: Deleted intersection part of two solids
Change appearance
The Change appearance command changes several properties of objects according to user modifications.
- Change properties
The display properties of objects can be modified in one settings dialog:- layer of drawing objects,
- line type of lines, edges and axes,
- text style of texts, tables, dimensions etc.
- color of selected objects (different color can be set from the color of the layer assigned to the object),
- pen width of objects.
Figure: Appearance modification