FEM-Design 19 service releases
Last modified by Iwona Budny Bjergø on 2021/01/20 09:47
This page contains list of changes, fixes and new features in FEM-Design 19 service versions.
Version 19.00.006
Released January 19th, 2021
- EC2 9.8.5 (3) is implemented for bored piles from now.
- Steel Joint normal force examination is implemented in the EN 1993-1-8 Table 7.20 based (I + RHS simplified joint) check.
- If profiled panel section is modified but panel width is the same, edge connections are not reset.
- 1 layer gypsum thickness property has been read from the wrong field.
- Auto design of timber bars for fire for Maximum of load groups caused crash.
- Borehole final ground level input is checked more accurately.
- Calculation of punching with one row of bent-down bars was not correct.
- Cmz calculation in steel bars interaction calculation was inaccurate, if Mz was zero along the bar, although it did not affect the utilization result.
- Copy to library command in Material dialog caused crash if it was called on a material type (Concrete, Steel, etc.)
- Cross-section dimension lines were not correct in some special cases.
- Delta beam rigidities were not involved into automatic buckling length calculation.
- Eccentric bars of K brace steel joints were not always displayed correctly in Manual design.
- External reference symbol was wrong.
- fdscript listing from batch: some could come up empty depending on their position.
- Footfall results were not disabled in case of copying self/full excitation loads.
- Image size in Documentation module was not set correctly in some cases.
- In very large models with a lot of load cases some of the linear load combination could be inaccurate.
- In the list of bar deflection results, the Limit value column always showed the absolute limit (utilization was calculated with the correct value).
- Influence line could crash in case of such selected point, where a point-point connection was attached to the end of a bar.
- Listing of bar deflection result could list wrong limit value in case the displacement was zero.
- Loading palette settings didn't worked, when palette has been saved with 'Save with scale' mode.
- Maximal bolt force was not calculated correctly for bolt groups eccentrically loaded by shear force.
- Object GUID was not modified when copying object from one instance of FEM-Design to an other instance.
- Pasting a file into a model with different National annex may have caused crash if the models contained timber panels.
- Problems are solved at pasting file from different code, especially for Parametric model templates shipped with FEM-Design.
- Program crashed in documentation module, if it contained Shell,EC1992-1-1, Annex F table for load combination that did not exist in the model.
- Program crashed when entering documentation module if it contained labelled section resultant result but the model did not contain ant labelled section.
- Program may have crashed at lateral torsional calculation of solid rectangular steel bar.
- Radio buttons did not work correctly in Steel joint/Stiffness dialog.
- RC shell autodesign did not invalidate punching results.
- Scale to view option of results displayed in colour palette mode did not work at certain cases.
- Selecting existing result point for dynamic detailed result failed.
- Sometimes steel joint utilization result was not displayed in storey view mode.
- Steel bar stability results may have been inaccurate if bar contained more buckling members.
- Support stiffness was always meant in radian
- Timber bar fire design auto beta n can be miscalculated.
- Unit changing didn't worked for colour surface reaction results' numeric values.
- Upon editing point/line foundation, soil was not refreshed automatically, only after the regeneration of the view.
- Wind Load Macro - Zone F (and G) was not calculated correctly.
Version 19.00.005
Released September 28th, 2020
- Import of Structural Analysis Format (SAF). It can be used for collaboration with Archicad 24 via the analytical member representation of the load-bearing model elements and their boundary conditions (supports, connections and links).
- The Polish translation is now available at the documentation module.
- In case of constant loads, values are displayed in the middle of the object instead of at the end points/corners.
- The calculated stiffness matrix of profiled panels was fixed. From now probably bigger stiffness will be calculated.
- "Consider eccentricity caused by crack" option did not work correctly in case of multiply selection of plates/walls
- After copying of profiled panels the physical extensions were disappearing.
- Change between Load combination/Load groups calculation in design tool windows may have caused crash.
- CLT: Södra's panels denoted with "L7s" from 210 to 280 had wrong layer orientation.
- Connection results for max. of combinations were in the New result dialog, even if there was no connection in the model
- Deleting a shell may have caused crash at Quantity estimation, if punching reinforcement had already been defined.
- Editing fire protecting material library may have caused crash
- Entering soil filling caused crash
- Footfal analysis: in case of timber plates with panel type analytical model, the selected node of detailed result was not the closest to the selected point.
- In case of steel cross-sections that are much wider than their height detailed result did not fit on page in documentation.
- In case of very large plastic calculation files there was a memory allocation problem which causes "unknown" error and exit
- In Plate module, if only load combinations were modified in an already calculated model, sometimes nonlinearity was not considered during the calculation
- It was not possible to add steel bar shell model detailed results to documentation.
- It was possible to create skew soil filling region
- Maximum U, Ua, Us design result titles were not displayed correctly after saving and reloading a file.
- Profiled wall height unit was incorrect
- RC shell crack width result: in some special cases the tooltip and the numeric value did not display the same value.
- Reloading Labelled section result may have crashed if new labelled section results were created.
- Sigma z = 0.0 could cause crash in soil material dialog
- Soil/Hydrostatic pressure surface load label was not refreshed when Multiply load command was applied on it.
- Steel bar fire design calculation failed for load groups
- Steel joint / Beta could be miscalculated using non-square truss in X/Y/T solution.
- Steel Joint: Lambda_ov was not properly considered in the specific formula (EC 1993-1-8 (4) Table 7.10, Case of CHS/RHS chord and overlapped RHS braces joint with Lambda_ov is between 25% and 50%).
- The sign of the line temperature loads were wrongly handled.
- The struxml mesh_size attribute was not working correctly for walls.
- Timber Bar / Fire design / Flexural buckling: Lambda could be calculated by the not burned-in section.
- Timber bars imported from Revit via struxml may have had wrong safety factors.
- Torsional auto design for RC bars could end up in 100%+ utilization.
- Undoing automatic wind load generation may have caused crash at defining a new load.
- Using modal layers dialog could cause crash at exit.
- Utilization table of Numeric values function always showed zeros in case of individual load combination results.
Version 19.00.004
Released May 11th, 2020
- StruXML import/export of labelled sections geometry.
- StruXML import/export of surface objects' user defined local systems. It works for shells, panels, fictitious shells, surface support groups & surface connections.
- Automatic local maximum values were positioned on original shape (instead of deformed) of shell in displacement result case.
- Calculation time of labelled section resultants significantly decreased, progress bar added after scaling of analysis results.
- Changing layer color could cause problems if there was an active function
- Correction of bad default KdefU in timber materials StruXML import.
- Default setting button didn't worked at Axis tool.
- Dimensioning in analysis detailed result window was not correct.
- Divider point tool ignored user defined ratio.
- Export to DWG/DXF... command did not exported axes and storeys.
- If you changed data of storeys after an executed calculation and you undo them the next calculation could freeze.
- Layer dialog did not save object layers configurations.
- Load tab / Load Group dialog: New case button could wrongly modify the Seismic and Final construction stage cases in the already defined Load Groups.
- Manual design of steel or timber bar design groups from Detailed result window caused crash.
- Modifying material of a timber bar may have caused crash during the calculation.
- Pasting bar reinforcement could cause crash.
- Physical view was not correctly visualised at saving to docx.
- Short commands modified by the user were not saved.
- Solid option was not disabled in Displacement/Numeric value tool, if "Properties" was active.
- There was memory leak in RC bar manual design.
- Timber Bar Fire design / 2 layered A/F/H gypsum hp was considered with a smaller value than should be according to EC5
- When loading a *.pla file into 3D Structure module, dialog regarding division of curved walls popped up evenif the model did not contain curved wall.
Version 19.00.003
Released March 23th, 2020
- Saving Layer status from Quick tools may have caused crash later, for example at launching the program. It is because of the "model.tlb" file which was created in a wrong folder, eg. in a drawing folder. Those files from old versions will not be loaded.
- Performing deflection check after design calculations may have caused crash in some cases.
Version 19.00.002
Released March 17th, 2020
- From now the zero distances are allowed in Chamfer command.
- When using Edit/Paste and Edit/Paste file... functions, global coordinate system can be easily defined as "insertion coordinate system" by pressing Enter or Ctrl+RB in the first or second definition step.
- CLT library, when adding new layer based on a timber library element, application data of the timber material is hidden now, as it has no effect on the CLT data.
- Punching calculation has been changed in the Finnish NA.
- RC Design / Punching / Studrail layout strategy was modified: more detailing rules are considered
- CLT detailed result saving as docx in documention module caused crash.
- Copy/paste of moving mass and footfall detailed results in documentation module may have caused crash at loading the file later.
- Ctrl+A did not work perfectly at selecting design groups
- Deleting path of moving load could have caused freezing.
- Displacement results were printed in global coordinates instead of local coordinates at bar displacement tables for imperfection, stability, footfall and eigenfreq calculations.
- Equivalent forces of PTC could be in wrong direction after the parent object was rotated.
- Expired CLT panels (CLT 72, CLT 82, ..., CLT 178) are removed from timber panel library.
- For some types of results (load case Sc, construction stage Sc, second order load combination, seismic) peak smoothing didn't work.
- If bar section was modified by assigning Applied cross-section to it, its cross-section-based color schema was not refreshed.
- If steel bar shell model utilization result was displayed on Steel design tab, then stability results were invalidated, program crashed when entering Steel design tab again.
- Import of seismic loads' unique spectras via StruXML did not work correctly.
- Importing large number of load cases via StruXML caused memory problem.
- In Analysis / Detailed result, showing Max of Load Groups' combination information could cause crash.
- In case of manual design and autodesign, Utilization table results were not refreshed when User switched between Max. of load combination and Max. of load groups mode.
- In case of objects of External references pick line function was not applicable.
- In some special cases punching calculation crashed.
- In Wall and Plane Strain modules the local co-ordinate system of walls might be wrong if they are imported from 3D Structure module.
- Investigate dialog disappeared after 1st fix.
- No-shear regions were not generated automatically for shells which were not visible in Model 1 window.
- Numeric values written on displacement results ocassionally were not correct, if predefined direction was set according to UCS.
- Paste file crashed in some special cases
- Paste file function could cause strand type losing in p.asted file contained PTC-s.
- Pasting load cases from other file caused problem in load combinations if they contained seismic load cases.
- Profiled panels' physical extent was not created correctly by StruXML import.
- Program crashed during correct model function in case of merging region lines with different edge connection statuses.
- Program crashed if documentation contained graphical windows with title longer than 40 characters and it was saved as template.
- Punching / Autodesign required reinforcement quantity is more optimized.
- Rc shell detailed result could crash in case of plates under pure tension.
- Saving file as DWG or DXF from Section Editor caused crash.
- Section results were not displayed when the file was loaded.
- Some data were not saved as default in Settings dialog.
- Some numerical problems were solved in PTC calculation.
- Some steel joint was not displayed correctly in Manual design window.
- Steel bar lateral torsional buckling calculation was not correct for mono-symmetrical I sections.
- Steel bar shell model autodesign calculation caused crash in some special cases.
- Steel joint, column base calculation could result wrong steel strains.
- StruXML import can't set bar reinforcements' prescribed lengthenings
- The calculation could freeze if post-tensioned cable and camber simulation by prestressing were used together.
- The local co-ordinate system was not changeable for fictitious shells.
- The unit was incorrect at reaction and connection line detailed results and tables: (kN->kN/m and kNm->kNm/m).
- Timber panels were exported with default panel size only in StruXML.
- Torsional-flexural buckling calculation in steel bar fire design was too conservative.
- Utilization results of fire design calculations for load groups were not displayed by combinations.
- When the shell internal force result file was larger than 2 GB, the read/write did not work properly.
Version 19.00.001
Released January, 2020
This is first release of FEM-Design 19. Check what's new in this version.
Check also
Other release notes