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Last modified by StruSoft Developers on 2021/03/23 08:20


Improved Storey definition

In addition to specifying the storey-system within a table, we can now quickly create storeys in the model space laid in the plane or axes of horizontal objects that already exist in the project.

Creation is quick: just select the appropriate one of the following horizontal object-types (available on Structure tab) with Define:

  • Horizontal surface-type object:
    • All Plate-types
    • Foundation slab
    • Surface support
    • Fictitious shell
  • Horizontal line-type object:
    • Beam
    • Truss member
    • Wall foundation
    • All Line support-types
    • Fictitious bar
  • Point-type object:
    • All Point support-types
    • Isolated foundation
  • If more objects are selected and their positions are closer to each other than Tolerance, Storey will be generated at the bottommost object’s level.
  • If you select mixture of elements or all project elements (Ctrl+A), FEM-Design automatically recognizes the horizontal structural-type objects (listed above) and creates Stroreys based on the given Tolerance.
  • At least two objects must be selected if there isn’t any already existing Storey
  • If there haven’t been Storeys defined yet, the generated Storey size and position is fit to the selected objects. 
  • Storeys created by object-selection can be edited in a table input mode (Edit in table tool).
  • A Storey can be deleted only with the Erase tool of the Storey command, or in its table input dialog. The general Erase command (Modify menu) cannot be applied for Storeys.


Objects conversion

The object type generation done by 3D model-based inputs (IFC, Tekla Structures, Revit, Grasshopper, Dynamo,...) is most often tool- or classification-driven in BIM/CAD modeler softwares. Thus, it may happen (typically in architectural practice) that, for example, a structural element that would be considered as a wall in a structural analysis was modeled with a column creator tool in a modeler and was exported as "Column". This is converted to a Column analytical member by the FEM-Design automatic converter. To solve this and similar "modelling" issues or design practice changes, we can change the analysis and so the FEM-Design structural object type (here Column) with the CONVERT tool of the target element (here one of the Wall commands). The following figure shows an example of its use.

Manual convertion.png

The converted object keeps as many properties of the original one as possible; all other properties are derived from Default settings of the target object's tool. An example: if the original object is a Wall, the converted Column gets its material from the Wall's material, its cross-section is set according to the Wall’s width and thickness, its length is equal to Wall’s height, but its analysis and design data, its Stiffness values and End conditions are set according to Default settings of the applied Column command.

The following table shows all the conversion possibilities of the structural elements:


Generally one object is converted into one object except for conversion between bars and profiled panels. Multiple Beams or Columns can be converted into a single Profiled panel, if the selected elements are close enough to each other and their geometry and position allows. In reverse, if a Profiled wall object is chosen to be converted to Columns, there will be as many new Columns as many physical wall panels are in the original object.


Edge connection ID set in advance

Edge connection ID-s can be set in advance, before shell object is defined. This function is available for Plane plate, Plane wall, Foundation slab and Fictitious shell objects.

  • For displaying edge connection labels (IDs), check Analytical ID box at Settings > Display > Connection, diaphragm.
  • Custom, unique edge connections can be defined and stored for other functions with the Line connection command (Default settings > Data > Type > Edit library). 



1. Create a new Wall with different edge connections


We can search for Edge connections by their given IDs with the Filter function:


2. Create a new Plate with hinged connection at all edges:


3. Modify an edged connection of a Plate:


New composite bar section

A new Composite section type is available for Column and Beam objects. 

composite column.gif

Automatic creep and shrinkage calculation

Automatic calculation of the Creep and the Shrinkage material factors is implemented for reinforced concrete objects.

The values of Concrete cross-section area (Ac) and Perimeter of cross-section exposed to its environment (u) are automatically derived (you may override them) from

  • the applied Section of reinforced concrete bars and profiled panels, if it is same for both ends; and
  • the thickness of reinforced concrete shells, if that is uniform for the entire body.


Parent topic: FEM-Design 20 New Features