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Line-line connection (Geometry)

Last modified by Iwona Budny Bjergø on 2022/01/18 12:22

Line-line connection propertyDescription
Modules where available1585065103072-356.png 1585065119746-730.png 1585065144408-275.png 1585065151853-420.png 1585065175612-389.png     
Motion componentParallel with Global Z axis in 1585065112268-622.png
 Arbitrary direction in Global XY plane in 1585065123746-919.png 1585065140139-923.png 
 Arbitrary direction in 1585065157200-333.png 1585065172661-174.png   
Rotation componentArbitrary direction in Global XY plane in
 Not available in 1585065130431-907.png 1585065137329-755.png 
 Arbitrary direction in 1585065161791-903.png 1585065169030-739.png   
GeometryStraight or curved reference lines
Available analysis resultsConnection forces and moments
Default Short CommandCLN

With the Line-line connection command, different connections can be defined between two regions having different positions in 3D (so not having common parts in the geometry model). Some typical examples:

  • Hinged connection between regions having a gap
  • Slabs on different level
    Instead of connecting two slabs with a Wall element, the connection can be modeled with the Line-line connection tool (if the internal stress and other results are not required in the wall).


Definition steps

  1. Start 1585065244596-558.png  Line-line connection command from 1585065249950-914.png tabmenu and choose 1585065258437-969.png  Define.
  2. Set the properties of the new connection at 1585065288893-380.png  Default settings. See the settings possibilities and options at Properties (Non-Linear Behaviors).1585065296452-924.png

    Applying a connection different from rigid state, the Interface position (r) is very important.


    r = distance between connection position and start point of definition distance between start and end points of connection


    The figure shows two different interface positions at hinged line-line connection between two plate regions: in the first example, the hinged line (the place of the interface) is on the edge of the left plate (rs=re=0), and in the second example the interface position is in the middle (rs=re=0.5). In both examples, the left plate is supported rigidly and the right one has simple support against to Z-directional motion. The Mx moment diagrams show zero moments where the interface positions are placed.


    In the settings dialog of a curved line support, the support direction has to set fixed or variable along the support’s reference line.


  3. Set the system for the direction of the connection components.
  4. Choose a geometry definition method for the first connection object’s reference line (axis).
  5. Select the first object you would like to connect.
  6. Define the first connection line object in the model view based on the chosen geometry method.
  7. Choose a geometry definition method for the second connection object’s reference line (axis).
  8. Define the second connection line object in the model view based on the chosen geometry method.

Optional steps:

  1. Modify the connection properties with the 1585065466297-596.png  Properties tool of the tool palette.
  2. Add members to a selected connection or remove members from it with 1585065472650-873.png  Edit connected objects.
  3. Set the display settings of connections at Settings > All > Display > Connections. See the possibilities at Point-point connection.
  4. The connections are stored on “Modeling tools” Object layers. At layer settings, the default color defines the connection label color.