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Straight line (Geometry)

Last modified by Iwona Budny Bjergø on 2022/01/18 12:24

Icon: 1584697951604-323.png

The steps of a straight line definition:

  1. Define the start point of the line by giving coordinates or mouse-clicking.
  2. Define the end point of the line by giving coordinates or mouse-clicking.


Figure: Some examples for defining structural objects with Straight line

Although Walls are planar objects with reference line, they are vertical and defined by their base reference line only in the  FEM-Design Plate and  3D Structure Modules. The final geometry of the reference region is set by the wall height. The next figure shows the differences of height measuring between the Plate and 3D Structure Modules. Of course, the height defines the position of reference region of curved Walls too.


Figure: Height direction of Walls in Plate and 3D Structure Modules

light.pngIn 3D Structure Module, the rectangle shape of the wall can be edited by the Modify region > Split region tool and other editing tools (Edit menu). Also the Hole tool of Wall tool palette can be used to edit the reference regions.


Figure: Some examples for additional editing of Wall region