Structural dead load (Load)
Last modified by Iwona Budny Bjergø on 2022/01/18 12:23
The weight of the load-bearing structural elements are calculated automatically by the program and is considered in the calculations, if “+Structural dead load” type load case is defined and it is added to the load combinations or load groups. So, the so-called “auto dead-load” is calculated from the geometry and material-dependant density value.
The direction of the dead-load is vertical, but the vertical direction differs in the different FEM-Design modules.
Structural Dead-load (gravity) direction | |
Global Z direction | Global Y direction |
Table: The structural dead-load direction by FEM-Design Modules
Definition steps
- Start the Load case command, and define a “+Structural dead load” type load-case with a name (such as “Dead load”). So, the “auto dead-load” is allowed on load-case level.
- Define loads (Point-, Line- and Surface loads) under the load-case defined in the previous, 1st step, if additional dead-loads coming from invisible not-load-bearing parts (non-load-bearing layers of composite structures) are requested.
- Add the load case defined in the 1st step to load combinations/groups depending on the later design.
The auto dead-load is always invisible. Only the additional, manually defined dead-loads can be displayed (as point/line/surface load) by activating the layer of the host load-case.