Soil dead load (Load)
Soil dead load
The weight of the soil is calculated automatically by the program and is considered in the calculations, if it is added to a “+Soil dead load” type load case and then load combinations or load groups. So, the so-called “auto dead-load” is calculated from the geometry and material-dependant density value.
The direction of the dead-load is vertical, but the vertical direction differs in the different FEM-Design modules.
Dead-load (gravity) direction |
Global Z direction |
Table: The soil dead-load direction by FEM-Design Modules
Definition steps
- Start the Load case command, and define a “+Soil dead load” type load-case with a name (such as “Dead load”). So, the “auto dead-load” is allowed on load-case level.
- Define loads under the load-case defined in the previous, 1st step.
The soil can be loaded only with Point load, Line load, Surface load (not with moments). Add the load case defined in the 1st step to load combinations/groups depending on the later design.
The auto dead-load is always invisible. Only the additional, manually defined dead-loads can be displayed (as point/line/surface load) by activating the layer of the host load-case.