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New in Tools

Last modified by Isak Björhag on 2019/09/24 11:02

Learn about all the new Tools in FEM-Design 17:


We support a basic automation workflow through scripting. It is capable to load/save file, execute analysis calculation and crate outputs as .csv list or .docx documentation.  With that you can batch-analize models created in other programs or directly in .struxml. Or execute long calculations during the night. The script commands approximate the usual interface, as if you filled inputs on the dialog and press the OK button. So for the meaning of the parameters look at the corresponding panel in the UI.

To launch the script use the menu command Tools/Run script or start the program with the /s command line: fd3dstruct /s c:\mydir\example.fdcsript

The installation of FEM-Design 17.01.001 (or later version) creates the fdscript.xsd and an example.fdcsript in the templates folder, the latter can be used as a starting point of custom scripts. It has all the commands intended for users and useful comments on how to proceed.

Script execution writes a log file (specified within the script header), you have to look into that to see what was actually executed and for any warning/error message that would normally appear on the screen. The execution stops at first serious error.

If you launch FEM-Design many times to execute script for many inputs it's a good idea to turn off all the satellite executables it may launch: update and upgrade in settings and set environment FD_NOLOGO=1 to avoid the splash screen. This can be done by using the following command in the command promt (cmd):

setx FD_NOLOGO 1

Position numbering tool

All position numbering possibilities are gathered into the new Tools/Numbering… tool. It lets the user manually set/reset the object’s position numbers, it also contains Refresh numbering and Lock numbering… commands of FD16.


Four main and two auxiliary options are available in the tool window.


Manual position numbering

  1. type required position number into the Position no. textbox
  2. select option for handling position number conflict
  3. select object(s) to set position number for


 In case more objects are selected, the first one gets the position number typed by the user and for the next ones it is increased automatically.

To set position number of component objects, like edge connections, corbels, post-tensioned cables, punching regions, the Select component (…)  auxiliary option has to be checked. Objects with manually set position number can be highlighted by checking the last option of the tool window.


Reset position number

User can reset the position number to zero by choosing Reset option, then selecting one or more objects. Select component option is available here, too.

Automatic numbering

This option works the same way as Renumbering command in FD16. It sets position number automatically for all objects in the database except the ones with manually set position number.

Lock numbering

This option works exactly the same way as Lock numbering… command in FD16. If it is pressed, the following dialog pops up, where position number of different object types can be locked. Manual numbering can not be applied on locked objects.


Section list

A new type of table – Sections – can be listed. It contains all sectional data (width, height, area, inertias, etc.). In the List tables dialog select Tables/ Structures/ Sections, then click on the List table button.


In the generated Section table, the last column – Other - contains the detailed dimensions of the section. Currently it is filled only for RHS, I and composite sections.


Load combination analysis setup list

In the Calculation/Setup by load combination dialog, a new option called Add to documentation is available to document the analysis setup for load combinations.


This option can be reached from the List tables dialog, too. Pick Tables/Loads/Load combinations.


The table in the documentation:


Arranging tables when listing to Excel

New options have been implemented into the feature List to Excel. From now on User can choose, if the tables should be placed into different Excel-worksheets or into the same worksheet under or next to each other.


'Fill all cells' option for listing tables

In order to ease sorting data in Excel after exporting tables, User can fill the empty cells by turning on the “Fill all table cells” option. This option is also available in the Documentation, in the Table properties dialog in the Option tab.

1536226625570-769.png    1536226662181-669.png

The left part of table on figure below shows the result if the checkbox is off, and right part shows when it is on.


Displaying name of load case  / combination for load case / combination result table

In FD 17 the name of the load combinations and load cases can be displayed for the load case and load combination result tables. Check Show hidden columns checkbox in Table properties dialog.



The Get GUID function enables the query of the GUID of elements. This can be useful for identification of structural objects imported/exported via Struxml. The function-button can be found in the Tools menu, but it is not on the Toolbar 1536226005280-765.png by default. User can put it there by using Customize… command which is available by right clicking on the toolbar.  

After launching Get GUID, pick the element(s).  The pop-up window shows the Globally Unique Identifiers of selected element(s). They can be sent to the clipboard by clicking on “Send to clipboard” button.

GUIDs for analytical and physical model of a bar are different.
