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Last modified by StruSoft Developers on 2021/03/29 08:03


Result monitoring at fixed points

Result point is a new auxiliary result object to permanently display and list results in specific points assigned to analytical model objects (like bars, shells, supports,etc.). It greatly helps

  • the examination and monitoring of specific structural points, and
  • efficiently reduces the size of the list tables.

Result points are available for both analysis and design results.

They can be defined in two ways:

  • by selecting a point on a structural object,
  • by selecting.a result numeric value


Result point definition by selecting a point on a structural object

Place a point with an identifier to a structural object with Define On structural object tool of Result point command.

  • The identifier is concatenated from the Structural element ID of the parent object, a given Name and an automatically generated number.
  • The Display result option immediately shows the numeric result value in the new Result point object.


Result points are placed and stored on "Result points" object layer. If the layer is on, you can use the Hide/show objects command (View menu) to hide some unwanted points and result values in them.The major point editor commands (Move, Copy and Erase) also work for them.

Result point definition by selecting existing numeric values

The position of an existing (currently displayed) numeric value can also be used as a Result point which will belong to the host structural object of the numeric value.


Other functions

Numeric values in Result points can be turned on and off at any time in a displayed result.


If you want to delete Result points that belong to certain structural objects, you may use the Delete tool of the palette Result point (here you can also specify the host object for the point) instead of the general Erase command (Modify menu).

Result points can be selected by Filter either by their Names ("Result point ID") or the Analytical element ID of their host object.


Object-based results can also be listed in Result points.


Limitation: results of Max. of Load combinations and Max of Load groups can be listed only in the closest nodes.

Display resultants with the same magnitude

From now on, resultants and point reactions can be displayed with a uniform common size. Just modify Proportional display mode to One size, and give a proper size in meters.

This display option is available for any Reactions-, Connections- and Coloured surface reactions-type results.


Display resultants by signs

FEM-Design 20 offers new features in the display of line reaction and connection forces.

  • The program allows us to show a linear reaction/connection force in constant approximation of its positive and negative values (Constant by sign option):


Group resultant is not available for Line reactions, when Constant by sign distribution mode is used. 

  • Constant by sign option is available in Detailed result too.:


  • The resultant of a line reaction/connection force can also be displayed by its positive and negative parts:


  • The resultant of a line reaction/connection force with its positive and negative parts can be listed in tables too:


If the master and slave parts of a Line connection have distances from each other and at least one of them is not a straight line, the above mentioned display modes of reactions are not available.  

Filter numeric values by range

To get a clearer picture of our results and really focus on relevant values, with FEM-Design 20, the numerical values of the currently displayed results can be filtered with specified bottom and / or top limits.


Just set a Minimum and/or Maximum value, and press OK. If both values are specified, we can select whether to show the values in the interval between the two values or outside the interval.


Pressing the "Reset" button removes all limits.

It is also possible to apply minimum and maximum on absolute values by checking the "Abs." option.


If the result contains more types of result objects with different units, like point reaction, line reaction, etc. their ranges can be set independently.


Auto-arrangement of numeric values

In order to make the numerical values easy to read without overlapping each other in the display and documentation of our results (e.g. in the case of nearby extreme points), FEM-Design 20 can automatically adjust the texts without overlap.

This auto-arrangement of numeric value function is available in several places; and we can request a subsequent arrangement or an arrangement only when a new value is placed.

Auto-arrangement when placing new numeric value

Every newly created numeric value will be placed automatically in a way not to overlap already existing numeric values in the current view.

  • Manual display numeric value


  • Automatically display numeric value


Subsequent auto-arrangement of numeric values

All existing numeric values in the active window can be automatically arranged not to overlap each other with the new Automatic arrange function.


This function is available from two locations:

  • Numeric value command (in Analysis and design tabs)


  • Arrange numeric values command (Tools menu)


All or selected numeric values shifted by auto-arrangement can be reset to their original position with one click (with one function):


Auto-arrangement of numeric values is a randomized process, so it may result different positions if it is applied for the same set of numeric values more times.

Predefined Colour palette styles

We can choose from two kinds of basic/default Colour palette for displaying results (Settings > Calculation > Result):


Detailed bar stress results

FEM-Design 20 completes the detailed stress results of bars with the following:

  • values and direction vector symbol representation of all Internal force components in a given bar plane (Cut plane),
  • values of all Stress components in a given bar plane (Cut plane),
  • distribution of all stress components along bar length, and
  • Stress change monitoring in specified points of the bar cross-section (called Stress points).

These features work for both uniform and variable cross-sections, as well as for composite sections.


Stress points

The stress values ​​can be queried and their changes can be monitored in specified points of a bar's cross-section. By default, the program initiates these points to the most relevant positions, depending on the shape of the section. However, further points can be added (or removed):

  • during bar modelling, at the Section settings of bars:


  • in Detailed result mode on the Navigation panel:


Navigation panel

  • This allows us to select the bar to be checked and displayed with its internal force and stress results.


  • Here, we can choose which effect (Load case, Load combination or Load group) to examine the bar for:


Cut plane

In a longitudinal figure, the cross-section to be examined along the bar length can be selected by its position: set the proper position by moving Cut plane (slider that is symbolized with black vertical line, and its default position is 0.0). Upon setting a new position, both the Internal forces and Stress distributions are updated according to the new position of the Cut plane.

In case of jumps in a figure, the position before and after the jump can be both selected.


Internal forces by Cut plane

The numbers and symbols show the actual Internal force in the applied Cut plane, in the bar position to be checked:


Stress distribution along bar length

A figure shows the longitudinal distribution of a stress component, and also its changes in the monitored Stress points. We can customize the content (including the positive and negative envelope) of the figures at Display options (see later).

  • Envelop (maximum/minimum value within the section):


  • Stress point monitoring:


Display options

By default FEM-Design shows all components of a bar's detailed stress result. Of course, we can customize the content of the result summary and the appearance of the figures (on Navigation panel):

  • Table of content:


  • Stress curves:


  • Show/hide numeric values in Stress point.

The size and decimal number of numeric values can be managed with the Quick change tools of Navigation panel.

Parent topic: FEM-Design 20 New Features

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