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Punching improvements

Last modified by IwonaBudny on 2019/01/23 11:09

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Reset punching region

With the Reset option that is added to the Punching tool window, it is now possible to reset region of automatically generated punching to the original shape.


New data for calculation parameter

Additional parameters are now displayed on the shell along with the other calculation parameters.



  • Effective slab depth can be set manually by unchecking “Calculate automatically” option and setting d_eff parameter.
  • k_max is factor is defined by EN1992:1-1-6.4.5(1).

Punching objects that are at the border of slabs with different thicknesses can be calculated only if their effective depth is set manually.


Two new kinds of Stud punching reinforcements are implemented in FEM-Design 18: General and PeikkoPSB product. They differ only in their calculation method. For automatic design the following design parameters can be set.


Parameters for manual design are displayed in the picture below.


Physical extent of shell considered in calculations

In version 18 punching perimeters (u0, u1, etc.) consider the physical model of the shell.


Inside, side or corner column categorization is based on the analytical model contour and checkpoint position of punching, which influences u0 and PSB beta_red.


The following picture shows a corner column punching design with default and modified shell physical model.


No shear regions

No shear region object is implemented for RC plates. It makes it possible to define regions, where shear can be ignored.

When entering RC tab, automatic No shear regions are generated for RC plates,

  • at column intersection points
  • along wall intersection lines
  • at point and line supports.

Width of these regions depends on plate thickness and a factor that can be modified. One can also edit or inactivate these regions, but they cannot be completely deleted. User can also define No shear regions manually by launching No shear region command.


Properties can only be applied for automatically generated No shear regions. Their x factor can be modified and they can be set to Inactive. With Reset option, automatically generated No shear regions can be set to default shape.


The following pictures show Missing shear capacity result of a plate with active and inactive No shear regions.

u1 parameter is displayed

For easier definition of bended bars and circular stirrups, the u1 perimeter is displayed on the shell during manual design.


Slab dependent display of applied reinforcement

In version 18 the program automatically trims every punching reinforcement out of structure parts.


If punching objects are in a design group, reinforcement is displayed for the „master” object only, and in this case - reinforcement is not trimmed.

Applied reinforcement list

All the applied punching reinforcements (studs, PSB, bended bar, open stirrups, circular stirrups) can be listed.


Shell is displayed in detailed result

In each punching detailed result, a part of the neighbouring slab region is displayed in grey, and its border is marked with thick black line.


Detailed result export to DWG

Drawing part of detailed result can be exported to DWG using File/Export to/Export to AutoCAD file (.dwg | .dxf)… command.


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