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Rectangular (Geometry)

Last modified by Iwona Budny Bjergø on 2022/01/18 12:24

Icon: 1584704797432-710.png

The steps of a rectangular region definition:

I. Rectangle’s edges parallel with the UCS:

  1. Define the point of the first corner by giving coordinates or mouse-clicking.
  2. Define the point of the end corner by giving coordinates or mouse-clicking.


Figure: Defining rectangular Plate and Surface support

II. Rectangle’s edges not parallel with UCS:

  1. Click 1584705555441-610.png one or two times to define the rectangle’s first edge’s direction
    1. If you click 1584705566034-703.png one time, the direction is can be defined from the global coordinate system’s origin,
    2. If you click 1584705574223-712.png  one times, the direction is defined in an arbitrary direction.
  2. Define the arbitrary direction of the rectangle’s one line.
  3. Define the point of the first corner by giving coordinates or mouse-clicking.
  4. Define the point of the end corner by giving coordinates or mouse-clicking.


Figure: Defining rectangular plate

light.pngThe geometry of rectangular regions as well as other (later mentioned) region shapes can be edited by the Modify region > Split region tool and other editing tools (Edit menu). Also the Hole tool of planar objects’ definition command can be used to edit the reference regions.


Figure: An edited rectangular Plate region