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Structural Foundations

Last modified by Iwona Budny Bjergø on 2023/07/03 09:46

User can decide, whether to export Structural Foundations as foundation elements or as supports. By default, foundations are always exported as foundation elements. The option to export foundations as supports is located in the StruXML Export dialog.


Export as foundation elements

If Foundation as Supports option is not selected, which is a default setting, Structural Foundations will be exported from Revit to FEM-Design as foundation elements according to the following manners for foundation types.

A/ Structural Foundation: Isolated

It is exported to FEM-Design as Isolated foundation with the following default settings:

Analytical system

Point support group

Bedding modulus

10000 kN/m2/m

An analytical model of isolated foundation is exported to FEM-Design along with the material properties and the exact position of the physical model in respect to the analytical model (In FEM-Design recognized as Connection point).


It is only possible to export the geometry of foot pads with non-curved edges. All the other kinds of isolated foundations, i.e. foot pads with round edges, piles, pile caps, etc. will be exported as a Point Support group with the default state Hinged. The point support will be added in each analytical foundation (point).

B/ Structural Foundation: Wall

It is exported to FEM-Design as Wall foundation with the following default settings:

Analytical system

Line support group

Bedding modulus

10000 kN/m2/m

 An analytical model of wall foundation is exported to FEM-Design along with the material properties and the exact position of the physical model in respect to the analytical model (in FEM-Design recognized as Insertion point).


C/ Structural Foundation: Slab

It is exported to FEM-Design as Foundation slab with the following default settings:

  • Bedding modulus: 10000 kN/m2/m

An analytical model of slab foundation is exported to FEM-Design along with the material properties and the analytical alignment definition.

Export as support

If Foundation as Supports option is selected, Structural Foundations are exported from Revit to FEM-Design as Supports according to the following manner:

In RevitIn FEM-Design will be converted into:
Structural Foundation: IsolatedPoint Support Group with the default type: Hinged
Structural Foundation: WallLine Support Group with the default type: Hinged
Structural Foundation: SlabSurface support group.