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Installation Guide

Last modified by Iwona Budny Bjergø on 2021/04/28 15:02

Installation of msi-packages

msi-files of the programs can be downloaded from StruSoft Installer.

Go to tab Licensing & Settings, select Change settings... and check the Download only-option and specify a download path

ssinst dl ony.png

Select OK, then run the Refresh apps-command, now the Download option is visible instead of Install

ssinst dl.png

Installation switches for FEM-Design


  Two kinds of installer are available: “full” and “core”.
  See below the available components.

   X: available
   -: not available

 Full installCore installEducationalStudent
FEM-Design coreXXXX
Licence SystemX-X-
DirectX 9X-XX
Microsoft VC RedistX-XX

Install your installation package with logging:

msiexec /i "Package.msi" /l*v ".\Install.log"


i. install, reinstall:
msiexec /i fem-design-basic.msi /qn /l*v .\log.txt 

!!important: if UAC is switched on and msi is not lauched as admin elevated rights, use /qb instead of /qn, because UAC elevation dialog is not shown when you call msi with /qn ( no UI )

see microsoft documentation: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa367988%28v=vs.85%29.aspx 

for silent running, use optional properties, see below: [optional properties]

[optional properties]:

      value:   Specify the installation location.
      example: msiexec /i fem-design-basic.msi /qn INSTALLDIR="c:\Program Files (x86)\STRUSOFT\FD12"

      value:   specify the strusoft company folder, this is the common folders for all Strusoft products.
      example: msiexec /i fem-design-basic.msi /qn STRUSOFTDIR="c:\Program Files (x86)\STRUSOFT_"

      value:   run directX install, (0:not install; 1:install; default=1)
      example: msiexec /i fem-design-basic.msi /qn INSTALLDIRECTX=1

      value:   run MS Visual studio End User Runtime install, (0:not install; 1:install; default=1)
      example: msiexec /i fem-design-basic.msi /qn INSTALLVCREDIST=1 

      value:   disable automatic update/upgrade , (0:update enabled; 1:update disabled; default=0)
      example: msiexec /i fem-design-basic.msi /qn DISABLEAUTOUPDATE=1 

  ALLUSERS=[string] ( microsoft standard, link: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa367559%28v=vs.85%29.aspx )
      value:   Install application for all users of the computer or for only the current user. ( default: for all users ) 
               "1" = Install for all users
               ""  = Install for current user

      example: msiexec /i fem-design-basic.msi /qn ALLUSER=""

      value:   any, skip AVX check of processor

[available properties]:

   X: available
   -: not available

PropertiesFull installCore installEducationalStudent

ii. uninstall:
msiexec /x fem-design-basic.msi /qn /l*v .\log.txt